Predator: The Hunted |
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The Hunted
Go back to the Movies index Even though the quality of the movies is outstanding (although AvP was somewhat disappointing in my opinion - and this is also reflected in the amount if bloopers listed), like most
other movies they are not perfect. Following here is a list of mistakes and bloopers, and also a list of interesting information regarding all of the Predator related movies.
P1 Mistakes
(bloopers, errors etc) Bloopers: Predator Continuity: Orientation of the scorpion when
Mac crushes it with his boot. Continuity: After removing his helmet,
the Predator screams at Dutch. Seconds later, while chasing Dutch,
the Predator roars at him, and the same footage of the Predator's
screaming is used. Continuity: In the final battle scene, before
the Predator takes off his mask, Dutch can be seen leaning back
against a tree; from the Predator's view, he is standing in the
clearing, hunched over in a ready position. Continuity: Dutch lights an explosive and
tosses it back to the Predator. When it explodes, Dutch runs
and jumps on a branch. In the first shot with the branch, it
has a curved end. When Dutch grabs onto the branch in the next
shot the branch has no curved end. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Anna hits
Poncho and runs away, Dutch points and "whistles" at
Hawkins ordering him to chase Anna. But when the whistling noise
is heard, Dutch's mouth is closed. Factual errors: After attempting to hit the
Predator with the log, Dutch is thrown backwards at least five
feet and barely fazed by a punch directly across his face. A
blow of that strength, at that angle, would have sent him sideways
and broken his neck. Factual errors: When the commandos are shooting
up the area where they think the Predator is, several rifles
with 30 round magazines take nearly 15-20 seconds to empty, instead
of the average 2.6 seconds they should take. Revealing mistakes: After the predator shoots
Blain through the chest and Mac rolls Blain over you can see
the undershirt the the actor is wearing under the fake wound. Revealing mistakes: Dillon's missing arm is
visible tucked behind him. Revealing mistakes: Springboard visible when
Dillon is picked up by the Predator. Incorrectly regarded as mistake: The object
visible under the log while Mac and the major are hiding there,
which looked like a microphone to some, has been identified as
the ends of two guns. Incorrectly regarded as mistake: Anna swings
a branch at the right side of Poncho's head, but he turns before
the impact, which is why he bleeds from the left.
Factual errors: When the Predator explodes,
the film cuts to a shot inside the UH-60 Blackhawk that is in
the area. From this viewpoint, one can clearly see a mushroom
cloud. However, when the helicopter lands in this area, Dutch
seems perfectly okay. Submitted by Eric Hlad - Revealing mistake: In the scene where Dutch slides down the hill, you can plainly see the rolling board thingy under him before he sails into the water. Submitted by Ray Chandler - Continuity: As Arnie and his boys are taking
out the guerrilla camp, we see Poncho duck behind a tree to fire
his grenade launcher. The trunk of the tree has been shot up.
About 10 seconds or so (give or take), we see Poncho run up to
duck behind the tree (the same one), and then it is shot at. Submitted by DJ, Netherlands - Factual errors: First of all, great site. But I got a mistake from the first
movie, well, at least I think so. When the Predator shoots Mac from pointblank
range underneath the tree, shouldn't his head be toasted like a crisp? When
Dillon goes to take a look, his head looks just fine. Is this incorrect or am I
missing something? Submitted by Tiago: Hi there, my name is Tiago and I'm from Portugal. First off, i must say it's an awesome page you got there and I read it from top to bottom, as i'm a avid Predator fan. when i was a kids all i thought was being able to use "Ol' painless" and shoot the shit out of something. Ah, childhood... I could fairly say i've seen the first movie over 100 times
and it never gets dull to me, the shooting parts are some of the most exciting action sequences ever. So, here's my contribution to the Mistakes/Bloopers section; Take it easy and keep up the good work. Bloopers: Predator 2 Continuity: In Predator when the predator removes his
mask, his vision changes from the normal blue background-thermal
standout view to a very hazy all-red view spectrum. However,
in Predator 2, the vision remains the same with or without the
mask. Continuity: When King Willie is killed, there is a large splash
(and subsequent smaller splashes indicating footsteps) when the
predator jumps into the large puddle. However, in the first shot,
there is no visible "shimmer effect" from the predator's
invisibility cloak during the footstep splashes. Continuity: When Peter Keyes is cut in half by the predator's
Disc weapon, his lower half falls to the ground, while the upper
part of his torso apparently remains in the air. Continuity: When the Pred storms the train, the Pred continuously
changes from cloaked, to de-cloaked, to cloaked. And during his
whole time IN the train, it looks like the same footage of him
ON TOP of the train. Plot holes: Considering that a Predator in the first film managed
to take out almost an entire elite commando force armed with
advanced weapons, it seems unlikely that they would have found
much sport in the 18th century from which the gun in the final
scene derives. Especially as the Predator refuses, in the first
film, to attack someone who was unarmed. Bloopers: Alien vs Predator
Plot holes: The gestation period for the aliens in AvP Seems MUCH shorter than in
the other alien films. Factual errors: The penguins in the whaling station near the beginning of the film
are humboldt penguins, native to South America, not Antarctica. Continuity: Alexa's 'warrior' marking on her left cheek disappears in overhead shots. Continuity: When Alexa and the Predator are running from the explosion, across the whaling station, her 'shield' changes hands. Factual errors: The full moon for October 2004 would be on the 28th, not the 10th. Continuity: The large pulley and winch setup for lowering equipment and people down the ice tunnel completely disappears when the equipment sled comes rocketing back out. If it was in place, the sled would have slammed right into it. Factual errors: Icebreakers have round prows, not angled ones. Continuity: The film gives confusing and inconsistent accounts of the geology of the area around the pyramid. It is supposedly buried under 2,000 feet of ice on an island, yet the pure-ice tunnel leading down to it begins at sea-level (as proved by the existence of the whaling station at the upper end). The whaling station is thus supposedly built on ice instead of rock; this is a ludicrous proposition as it would only be constructed in a region where ice melted enough each summer to allow whaling ships to dock. Anything built on ice that thaws significantly each year would not last 100 years. This arrangement also places the pyramid and a large amount of ice below sea-level; the buoyancy and natural flow of the ice pack makes this highly unlikely and not is not something that could be accurately described as an island in the first place. Further confusion is caused by the scene at the end of the film in which a large tank falls into the water and plunges hundreds of feet towards an unseen ocean floor, supposedly directly offshore. Factual errors: The story is set in October (summertime in Antarctica). It should therefore be daylight on the surface, and yet it's dark as night. Continuity: The second Predator is killed by an Alien when his head is punctured by the Alien's inner mouth. When the shot changes and the Predator tilts his head back there is no wound. Factual errors: Alexa is wearing only a thin sweater (and no hat) after the Alien burns her jacket, yet she doesn't even shiver while outdoors in Antarctica. Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Despite detailed satellite imagery of the pyramid, the expedition is surprised to find a whaling station at their intended drilling site. They must have missed this, as well as the large ship-worth bay it was undoubtedly located on: despite their haste, they choose a more remote anchorage that required a land journey over some significant elevation. Factual errors: Sebastian refers to "the Long Count" while describing a calendar that he refers to as "Aztec". The Long Count was a feature of the Mayan calendar system; the Aztec calendar, although based on the Mayan, didn't use the Long Count. Errors in geography: It is said by one of the team that the whaling station is directly above the pyramid. However a geographical survey (as well as the obvious in-story shots) show that the ice tunnel slopes gently down towards the pyramid entrance, therefore not on top at all. Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Graeme Miller's description of the aurorae as being caused by protons and electrons in the atmosphere is inaccurate. The aurorae are caused by the interaction of oxygen ions with oxygen molecules in the ionosphere, leading to chemiluminescene. However, as a chemical engineer, his knowledge of atmospheric photochemistry may be expected to be somewhat rusty. Continuity: When Alexa Woods is climbing the Lho La ice fall in Nepal, she's about 10 body-lengths from the top edge. From the moment she answers the phone she reaches the top in about six steps. You can't take steps longer then your body. Continuity: When Alexa is climbing the Lho La ice fall in Nepal, you can see a overview of the edge where is climbing to. There is nowhere a helicopter too be seen, yet after 30 second (duration of the phone call) the helicopter manages to land, turn off the engine (spinning down rotors takes much more than 30 seconds), and let Maxwell Stafford out of the helicopter and walk towards the edge to meet Alexa. Revealing mistakes: During the first battle, when the Alien falls to the ground after the Predator kicks it through a pillar, a wire can be seen holding its tail up. Revealing mistakes: When the first-killed Predator is thrown to the ground, its extended wrist blades bend when they hit the ground, revealing that they are actually made of rubber. Plot holes: The characters correctly predict that the walls will move every 10 minutes, because the Aztec did everything in multiples of 10. However, the Aztec would not have known how long a minute is. Continuity: When Alexa and the Predator are shooting up the tunnel, she isn't wearing the Alien head on her hand. She is clearly holding on with both hands. As they are thrown on the surface, the head reappears. Continuity: The Predator cuts off the tip of the Alien's tail, spewing green acidic blood, and then tosses him through a column and into another room. As the Alien flies in slow motion, you can see that there is no blood on his stump, but immediately after, it's covered again. Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Sebastian erroneously says that the Aztec calendar was metric (based on 10). It was in fact vigesimal (based on 20) with twenty days in 18 "months".
Trivia: Predator Upon hearing some joking comment (since
Sylvester Stallone had vanquished many an opponent in the ring, Stallone was thinking about Rocky Balboa take on a challenger
from another world), brothers Jim and John Thomas decided to pen
the screenplay. "Predator" was originally titled
"Hunter" but the title was scrapped to avoid confusion
with the Fred Dreyer cop series of the same name. The original script treatment of "Predator"
had the alien as a formless being who could control the thoughts
and actions of other animals. However, due to technological restraints,
the idea was scrapped - although it lives on in the film's
novelisation. The gruelling shoot, undertaken in the tropical
forests of Mexico near to Puerto Vallarta, was interrupted by
Arnie's marriage to Maria Schriver. John McTiernan was keen to make the comrade
banter between the soldiers as real as possible. To help this
along, the cast trained together on location with weapons, fitness
and military training regime that started at 6am every morning
and included the use of communication with the silent, military
hand signals that we see so much in the movie. He stated that
"even though many of the cast had military backgrounds"
he "wanted them all to get a chance to know each other,
develop as a group and endure something rough and conquer it
together." In 1987, Jean-Claude Van Damme landed the
gig as the monster in Predator but it quickly went sour when
he incurred the legendary wrath of 'Uberproducer' Joel Silver.
By Van Damme's account, Silver fired him because he dared to
speak out about a stunt that would have been unsafe in the cumbersome
creature suit. True to Van Damme's screen form, he wraps up the
episode of revenge-fantasy catharsis: another actor was brought
in to do the stunt and busted his ankle, after which the costume
was redesigned. ("That's obviously Jean-Claude making up
stories," a spokesman for Silver Pictures said bemusedly,
insisting there were no injuries, no safety lapses and only mininal
"uncomfortableness" with the suit.) The actor who did end up playing the Predator
was Kevin Peter Hall, the same tall guy who played Harry, in
Harry and the Hendersons. He also had previously portrayed
an alien on safari for human quarry in the low-budgeted Without
Warning. Kevin actually appears at the end
of Predator, after the self-destruction and the helicopter
comes to view - he is the black man who says "what the...?".
Sadly, Kevin Peter Hall passed away in 1991 from an AIDS
related illness. Rest in peace, Kev. The designer of the titular terror, Stan Winston,
was one day talking with filmmaker and frequent co-worker James
Cameron about his challenge of crafting the extraterrestrial.
Cameron suggested that maybe Winston should consider devising
the mouth in a different fashion. Shane Black, the writer of the Joel Silver
action flick "Lethal Weapon" portrays one of Schwarzenegger's
commandos. Bill Duke, previously portrayed one of Schwarzenegger's
foes in another Silver movie, "Commando". Sonny Landham had a career in 'adult' movies
in the 1970s, appearing in such classics as "Barbara Broadcast"
and "The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann". "Predator"
was only his third mainstream film appearance. Stunt director Craig Baxley would make his
debut as a fearure-film director with the Carl Weathers vehicle
"Action Jackson," also produced by "Predator"
producer Silver. Weathers' "Predator" co-stars Bill
Duke and Sonny Landham also appeared in the film. The cloaking effect that the predator alien
uses was originally a happy mistake while testing various ideas.
However, the result was liked, and it was kept, and even used
in other movies. It is alleged that in the early 90's, the
USA's Dept. of Defense tested a form of camoflauge that used millions
of fiber-optic cables to "mirror" the opposite side
of the object that is wanting to be hidden. They got the idea
from the movie. The idea behind the camoflage was not
to appear invisible, but to replicate what is on the opposite
side. In the DoD's test footage, when you look at the person
wearing the fiber-optic sheet, they simply appear to look
like a heat wave. Jesse Ventura, the former professional wrestler
and (nationally controversial!) current governor of Minnesota,
played 'Blain', who carries the minigun. His line "I Ain't
Got Time to Bleed" was recently used as the title of a book
he wrote about his trouble with the media as governor. While
doing the political "meet-the-people" thing, he has
been known to (tongue-in-cheek) tell people alternately: the reason the directors had the
Predator kill him off was
to make people realize that Arnold was in real danger (since
the Predator was tough enough to kill Blain, who was tougher
than Dutch); or that there was an alternate ending to the film where
Blain kills the Predator, but the movie was too short that way! About that infamous minigun, a General
Electric M-134 (normally mounted on a helicopter, and not
suitable for handheld use). The first time
Jesse tried to fire it he was nearly hurt (severely) as
the expended brass was ejected upward, and hit him in the chest.
Afterwards, he wore body armor and they rebuilt the "Furniture"
(the grips used to hold the weapon) so that the weapon ejected
downward. The weapon was also firing at such a rate, that even
with blanks, the recoil was so great that they needed to
reduce the rate of fire even further than the usual half rate of 3000 Rounds Per Minute (it usually fires at a rate of 6000 RPM - 100 rounds PER SECOND!). Of course, the M-134, or any RBC (Rotary Barrel Cannons sometimes
called "Mini guns") are not hand fired weapons. At full fire
rate, they would tip an ATV over, and light trucks move
under the recoil. And yes, the barrels
truly do whistle when the weapon runs dry. The Predator set at Puerto Vallarta is now
a tourist attraction. It's about a half hour drive from downtown
Puerto Vallarta on Hwy 200 to the turn off (a place called
El Eden, just past Mismaloya Beach). Another 15 minute
drive into the jungle and you can still see stuff from the movie,
including one of the destroyed helicopters. Trivia: Predator 2 The skull of a creature that resembles the
ones in Alien and Aliens is on the wall in the
Predator's trophy room, which spawned rumors that an "Alien vs. Predator"
film was in the works. Bill Paxton previously starred in Aliens and has been killed or assaulted in
some way by an Alien, a Predator and a Terminator. The spear weapon that was used in the film
disappeared and was reported as stolen after filming was completed. The plot underwent a few changes in its earliest
stages. The Gary Busey's character, Keyes, was actually intended
to be Dutch, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character from the first
film. Schwarzenegger was very outspoken against the script, feeling
that taking it into the city was a bad idea, and declined the
role. The last name of the character "Danny"
(Rubén Blades) is "Archuleta". J. Tom Archuleta
was the second assistant director of both this movie and Predator. When the Predator is treating his injuries
in the bathroom of the apartment Alex Trebek the host of Jeopardy! can be heard giving the final jeopardy "answer":
"Berengaria, who never set foot in England was its queen
for eight years after marrying this king on Cyprus?" The
"question", in case you're interested, is, "Who
is Richard I?"
Trivia: Alien vs Predator Was rumored to be in development ever since a skull from the title characters in the Alien film series appeared in the spaceship trophy room in Predator 2. Except for scenes with stand-ins, Ian Whyte played all of the Predators. The theatrical trailer includes soundbyte samples from the original trailer for Alien and Bret (Harry Dean Stanton) screaming A title near the beginning of the film identifies the ice cutter transporting the exploration team as "The Piper Maru". The ship's name comes from episode 3.15 of The X Files. That episode was named after Gillian Anderson's daughter. AVP had both the shortest filming & post-production schedules of any "major studio" film in 2004, filming was given 2 1/2 months while post-production was given just 4 months to complete. When Charles Bishop Weyland is sitting in his office on the ship, we can very briefly see him playing with his pen in a similar manner to the way the android Bishop (also played by Lance Henriksen) is playing with a knife in Aliens. When one of the explorers is searching the whaling compound and walks past a door to a building, there is a shot from within the building in which the red light from the guy's flare comes through the crack in the door to form a flat vertical beam that's picked up by the dust/snow from inside the room, just like the blue-green scanner from the salvage scene at the beginning of Aliens. At one stage Peter Weller was attached to do a cameo as John Yutani, the other half of the infamous "Weyland-Yutani" Company from the "Alien" films. Gary Busey was also approached to play Yutani. This is the first Alien film, and also the first Predator film, to get a rating other than R. The character of Verheiden was named after comic book writer Mark Verheiden, creator of the first Aliens vs Predator comic series and first story ever involving both species. It was released prior to the infamous alien "skull" in Predator 2, contrary to popular belief. The drawings that Paul W.S. Anderson used for his original presentation to 20th Century Fox were done by Patrick Tatopoulos. First Predator movie to feature a left-handed predator. The scene in which Weyland's team discovers the sacrificial chamber inside the pyramid was originally longer than seen in the theatrical cut. After Rousseau and Thomas discuss the hole in the corpse's chest, Sebastian finds a calcified facehugger. Lex and Sebastian then theorize as to what the creature's origin could be. After the opening credits are shown, SFX designers Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis have brief cameos as technicians who discover the heat bloom coming from the pyramid. Paul W.S. Anderson rewarded hardcore Alien and Predator fans by scattering references to the individual franchises with his film. The opening shot of the movie is a silhouette of the Alien Queen from Aliens, before being completely revealed as a Weyland Satellite. The altars where victims were placed in the Chamber of Sacrifices of the pyramid is arranged exactly the same as the hibernation pods in the original Alien movie. The black and white movie playing in the beginning of the film is another popular monster face-off, Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. The heroine calling an Alien an "ugly mother..." is a reference to the two previous Predator films, in which both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Glover refer to the Predators as such. At the beginning of the film in the satellite control station, the technician has a "drinky drinky" bird among the Tweety Pie dolls. These are the same birds that were seen on the dining room table in Alien, and also in the abandoned prison canteen at the end of Alien3. The read out of the predator ship at the beginning of the film, is shown reflected in the visor of the predator mask, as the readouts of the Nostromo in Alien were reflected on the space helmets. The shot of the team approaching the top of the pyramid, with their flashlights, taken from inside it references the shot of the of the Nostromo's expedition team walking up to the entrance of the derelict. The design in the center of the floor in the sacrificial chamber is almost identical to the artwork of the Alien3 poster. The words "alien" and "predator" are never said in this movie. Aliens are called "things", "creatures" and "serpents". Predators are referred to as "hunters". Around the time of the film's release, it was reported that at a special industry screening director Paul W.S. Anderson said that the film was always planned as an R-rated movie and shot that way, but only three weeks prior to release the studio changed that by severely cutting the film for a lower PG-13 rating. This account has been heavily disputed by original "AVP" writer Peter Briggs. It was later revealed that this "press-screening" never took place, and was only an internet rumor started by fans. Anderson has claimed in interviews that the film seen in theaters is the version he intended audiences to see. When Lex asks Sebastian how to say "scared shitless" in Italian, he replies "Non vedo l'ora di uscire da questa piramide con te, perche mi sto cagando addosso." Translated, this literally means "I can't wait to get out of this pyramid with you, because I'm shitting myself." The green glow stick dropped down the shaft contains the fluorescent liquid used by the effects departments of all the Predator movies as the Predators' blood. According to director John McTiernan, on Predator they stumbled on the effect after unconvincing attempts to make the blood look orange forced the crew to look for alternatives. In the official "AvP" theatrical trailer, there's a brief shot of the prison planet Fury 161 from Alien. The Morse code picked up by the satellite at the beginning of the film spells out the words, "Whoever wins, we lose". This is, of course, the tagline used to promote the film. In an interview, director Paul W.S. Anderson said that Arnold Schwarzenegger offered to reprise his role as Dutch Schaeffer (from Predator) at the end of this movie as a cameo, but only on the condition if he lost the election for Governor of California. At Amalgamated Dynamics Incorporated, the workshop crew nicknamed the 3 Predator characters Scar (main Predator), Celtic, and Chopper. There's a shot where the heroine pulls her self up a cliff. It's filmed exactly like the shot in Alien where Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) does the same, looking for the Alien. In both shots the characters are sweating heavily and one of their hands in front of their faces can be seen. When Celtic and Grid are fighting Celtic has his backpack on, but later in the fight he is seen with out it. Submitted by Mario C. (thanx for contributing!) The scientists use a surveying instrument to tell the angle and how far to the end of the tunnel made by the Predator ship. However, (and this is coming from someone with three years of experience and a family that surveying runs through) the instrument they're using (which I believe is a Topcon painted over) requires a prism on the other end to take a shot, therefore, the instrument is useless without a prism rod being at the end of the tunnel to take the shot. Submitted by Aaron 'Ash' E. (thanx for contributing!) The animatronic Queen was controlled by a motion-control rig which could save her movements digitally. So, if the Queen made a nice looking move in rehearsal, the move could be replayed verbatim in front of the camera.
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Last modified 20th February 2011. Best viewed at a screen resolution 1024x768 or higher.