Predator: The Hunted


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A little town in the hills of Colorado will become the battleground between two of the deadliest extra-terrestrial lifeforms - the Alien and the Predator.

Overview  (movie details, review)
Credits  (cast and crew, etc)
Other Versions (special editions, DVDs)
Screenshots (stills, video files)


Alien vs Predator 2: Requiem


For those who found 2004's Aliens vs. Predator too lightweight in the gore-and-guns department, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem offers a marked improvement in both categories, as well as a respectable amount of rumbles between the title extraterrestrials. Set in the 21st century (which predates the story to all of the Alien features), Requiem sends a crippled Predator ship crashing to Earth in a small Colorado town; unbeknownst to the locals, the craft is loaded with H.R. Giger's insectoid monsters, which make quick work of most of the population. As the human cast is slowly whittled to a few hardy (if unmemorable) souls, a Predator warrior also arrives to complicate matters and do battle with the Aliens, as well as a ferocious alien-Predator hybrid (dubbed a Predalien by the sci-fi and horror press). Visual-effects designers and music-video helmers The Strause Brothers (who make their feature directorial debut here) keep the action on frantic throughout, which is wise, since the dialogue and characters are threadbare at best; that should matter little to teenage male viewers, who are inarguably the film's key audience. Fans of the Alien franchise, however, may find the offhanded nod to the series' mythology given during the finale its sole saving grace.

Review by Amazon Reviewer Paul Gaita

When AVP went into production fans of both the Alien and Predator movies were very excited, but a little hope was lost when it was announced Paul WS Anderson was the writer/director; but what really got fans going crazy was when the rating was PG-13. While one cannot deny there were flaws with AVP it had more to do with the writing than anything else. Anderson's scripts often feel like an early draft rather than final shooting script. All the Alien and Predator movies were R-rated and no doubt AVP should have as well, but when all was said and done the PG-13 rating isn't what hurt AVP. Yes it could have used more gore and action, but the problems again were with the writing.

The biggest problem with AVP-R is the lighting. Daniel Pearl was the DP and from what I have seen from him I have liked. He did the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre so right there he gets my respect, but the lighting here was terrible. There was more gore than AVP, but we can't see it! I don't know if Daniel Pearl was to blame or if it was Colin and Greg Strause who are the directors are too blame. Since Pearl is the DP I have to blame him. Watching this movie at times is sort of like watching a movie with your eyes closed. That was the biggest problem here, but not the only problem.

The screenplay by Shane Salerno was terrible. There were far too many characters to keep track of and all were so poorly written and lack any depth at all. AVP-R is the type of movie that when all is said and done you'll be hard pressed to remember the names of any of the characters. The script was really poor. It's like Shane Salerno didn't even bother to try. "We have the fan base for the Alien and Predator movies and well they'll see anything we spit out." Once again Hollywood treats us like idiots.

These cross over movies almost always seem to fail. Back in the 40s Universal did it with their monster movies and while some were fun none of them were as good as the monsters on their own. So when it came to AVP I wasn't expecting anything like the movies from either series. Besides being a Vs movie it's also a sequel to both Alien and Predator and honestly with some exceptions as a series goes on they don't get better they might stay enjoyable if lucky. With AVP-R I was simply expecting some mindless fun, and while it was very mindless the makers forgot about the fun part.

For the hardcore fans of the Alien and Predator movies are the only ones who should watch this, but I doubt this movie will live up to your expectations. This one doesn't correct the problems found in AVP; it just creates its own and far worse problems. With better lighting AVP-R would have been better, but still not very good either.

Review by Amazon Reviewer Dave K of NY, April 21 2008


Produced by:
20th Century Fox

April 15 2008 (USA), 26 December 2007 (Aus)


  • This Christmas there will be no peace on Earth.

Plot Outline:
Warring alien and predator races descend on a small town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.

Action / Sci-Fi / Thriller

UK: 15, Australia: MA, USA: R

$40,000,000 (estimated)

Worldwide Box Office: $128,835,085

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Cast (in credits order)
Steven Pasquale
Reiko Aylesworth
John Ortiz
Johnny Lewis
Ariel Gade
Kristen Hager
Sam Trammell
Robert Joy
David Paetkau
Tom Woodruff Jr.
Ian Whyte
Chelah Horsdal
Meshach Peters
Matt Ward
Michal Suchanek

Col. Stevens

Directed by: Colin and Greg Strause (as The Brothers Strause)
Written Credits: Shane Salerno
Produced by: Robbie Brenner, John Davis, Paul Deason, David Giler, Walter Hill
Original Music: Brian Tyler
Cinematography: Daniel Pearl
Film Editing: Dan Zimmerman
Production Design: Andrew Neskoromny
Art Direction: Helen Jarvis
Set Decoration: Shane Vieau
Costume Design: Angus Strathie

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Other Versions / Releases

Alien Vs Predator 2: Requiem     DVD

On Earth everyone can hear you scream, especially when a horrifying PredAlien crash-lands near a small Colorado town, killing everyone it encounters-and producing countless Alien offspring-with terrifying efficiency.

When a lone Predator arrives to 'clean up' the infestation, it's an all-out battle to the death with no rules, no mercy, and hundreds of innocent people caught in the crossfire. As the creature carnage continues, a handful of human survivors attempt a daring escape, but the U.S. government may be hatching a deadly plan of its own...

Produced by: 20th Century Fox
Released: April 15, 2008
Runtime: 94 minutes
Format: CFormat: AC-3, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, DVD, Full Screen, Subtitled, Widescreen
Extras:Audio commentary by directors Colin and Greg Strause and producer John Davis, Audio commentary by creature FX designers/creators Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis


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Alien Vs Predator 2: Requiem - Unrated Edition     DVD

The 'unrated' moniker may lead you to believe that there is a whole lot of extra gore in this DVD version as opposed to the theatrical cut. This is however not the case. Sure, there is some extra gore, but the few minutes of extra footage added to this version are tiny scenes mostly deleted for reasons of pacing.

Altogether, the Unrated Edition doesn't add that much to the movie -- the restored scenes, unfortunately, do not make the characters better developed so that you might actually care what is happening to them.

Produced by: 20th Century Fox
Released: April 15, 2008
Runtime: 101 minutes
Format: CFormat: AC-3, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, DVD, Full Screen, Subtitled, Widescreen
Extras:Audio commentary by directors Colin and Greg Strause and producer John Davis, Audio commentary by creature FX designers/creators Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis


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Alien Vs Predator 2: Requiem - Extreme Unrated Edition     DVD

  • Audio commentary by directors Colin and Greg Strause and producer John Davis
  • Audio commentary by creature FX designers/creators Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis
  • Behind-the-scenes featurettes:
    • Prepare for War: The Making of AVP-R
    • Fight to the Finish: The Making of AVP-R
    • AVP-R: The Nightmare Returns — Creating the Aliens
    • Crossbreed: The PredAlien
    • Building the Predator Homeworld
  • Still design galleries:
    • Designing the Predator
    • Designing the Alien
    • Designing the PredAlien
    • On Set: The Rooftop
    • On Set: The Sewer
    • On Set: The Hive
    • On Set: Cast and Crew
  • Digital Copy download feature
  • Theatrical trailers

Produced by: 20th Century Fox
Released: May 30, 2008
Runtime: 101 minutes
Number of Discs: 2
Format:AC-3, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, DVD, Full Screen, Subtitled, Widescreen


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