Predator: The Hunted


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The Hunted Quiz#1(What class Predator are you?)
The Hunted Quiz#2 (How well do you know the movie?)
Wireless Flash story (Predator-like creature reported)
NCBuy News story (Ghostly Predator forms discovered)

BBSpot Politics story (Predator enters Governor race)
Predator Cartoon (Predator Children's Hunting Trophies)


"What class of Predator are you?" Quiz

There have been quizzes going around recently, and many ask the question "What type of ... are you?". They ask a series of questions and rank you depending on your answers, and if you're proud of your result you can copy the HTML code, to paste it to your friends.

Now since there's a lack of Predator-related quizzes, I figured I'd have a go at creating one of my own! This is my first ever attempt at a quiz, so comments are appreciated - if it proves to be popular I might even put together a couple more in the future!

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer, so just answer truthfully and see if the test proves accurate to your character. Prepare to take the first quiz of The Hunted, and we'll find out:

What class of Predator are you?

To comment on the Quiz, use the Feedback section. Joker 2005

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"How well do you know the Predator movie?" Quiz

Well, the first quiz (above) was received fairly well and enjoyed by most people, but the biggest complaints I kept hearing were: (1) it made no difference if you knew the Predator culture well or not, (2) the differece between some ranks was just one question answered incorrectly, and (3) some of the correct answers were disputed by diehard fans.

Well in fairness, I tried to make it more of a 'personality' test - the answers that you chose in your real 'human' personality would reflect on your corresponding 'Predator' personality. If that makes sense!

Anyway, in light of those discussions, this second quiz is more straightforward and concentrates more on the actual movie, asking questions that a genuine 'Predator' fan should know. Maybe!

Hope you've studied up for this exam! Your time starts now... let's find out:

How well do you know the Predator movie?

To comment on the Quiz, use the Feedback section. Joker 2006

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  Wed 01-28-98 10:39 am

Predator-Like Creature Reported near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

PUERTO VALLARTA, Mex. (Wireless Flash) - Life is imitating art in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where residents are reporting sightings of a strange creature resembling the monster in the movie Predator.

The film starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and was filmed in the jungles near Puerto Vallarta in 1987, where locals now claim a real monster is on the loose.

The creature is being described as tall and reptilian-like with an odd mucous-like liquid surrounding what appears to be four sets of teeth.

One woman claims to have seen the creature suck up water from a small pond and then squirt it from its mouth 10 yards to knock a monkey out of a tree.

No photos of the "Puerto Vallarta Predator" exist but a cryptozoologist in Mexico City thinks the creature may be related to earlier sightings of the so-called goat-eating "Chupacabras".

Copyright © 1998 Wireless Flash News Service. All rights reserved.
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Paranormal Researchers Discover Real-Life 'Predator'

DUNSTABLE, England (Wireless Flash) -- In the 1987 film "Predator," Arnold Schwarzenegger encounters an invisible alien which only becomes visible to humans in rain or fog. Now researchers in Dunstable, England, have discovered a type of ghostly entity that does the exact same thing.

Ross Hemsworth, who heads up the so-called Phantom or Fraud Project, says the spooks can only be seen when sprayed with water -- whether it's artificially generated or genuine London fog.

His team has photographed the Predator-like paranormal creatures across England and in New Jersey, making the spooks appear by using everything from hair spray, water misters and even their own breath. Hemsworth says most of the entities appear to be human or animal-shaped and he believes they might be "anti-matter" forms from a parallel dimension.

The unusual creatures will be featured on an upcoming DVD issued by the Phantom or Fraud Project.

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  Monday, August 12 2:00 PM EDT

Predator Enters California Gubernatorial Race
By Cody James

Sacramento, CA - The pool of candidates vying for governor of California grew once again today as Predator, a trophy-hunting Yautja from a distant planetary system, announced his candidacy.

"It is with great pleasure, the very sort I get from ripping the spines from living creatures and hoisting them triumphantly overhead as they drip with still-warm blood, that I officially enter the race for governor of this great state," he said in a press conference yesterday evening.

Little is known about the mysterious creature's political ties, save for the fact that he has a history with both Jesse "Blain" Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, and Arnold "Dutch" Schwarzenegger, who announced his candidacy on August 6th. Ventura's last encounter with Predator ended in his grisly evisceration in the jungles of Central America and he was unavailable for comment. Schwarzenegger, however, responded defiantly to the news. "If it bleeds [voters], we can kill it [in the political arena]," he said.

Predator, who refused to remove his bio-helmet for photos, said one of his key objectives if elected will be reforming California's tough laws regarding weapons, stating, "The ability to defend yourselves, however fruitless, is germane to the thrill of the hunt [for the governorship]."

Predator then continued by joking, "My opponents say that it's time to 'clean house' in Sacramento. If elected, my gyro-controlled smart weapon will slice effortlessly through the bone and tendons of corrupt legislators and return to me, ready for more carnage. If they want to clean something, they can come clean that."

Indeed, many of Predator's references seemed directed toward Schwarzenegger, for whom the creature seems to have strong enmity. "He will not escape my wrath [when debating in an open forum]. Not even a serendipitous cloak of muck[raking] can hide him from the cold, emotionless gaze of my upgraded vision system. I'm no longer limited by the infrared spectrum, I assure you."

Predator concluded the press conference by activating a light-bending camouflage device and bounding away through the trees. Many in attendance thanked him for his statements, to which he said, "Anytime."

Copyright 1999-2004 by BBspot LLC

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Predator Children's Hunting Trophies
Artwork by Kevin Brockschmidt

Artwork by Kevin Brockschmidt -
Copyright ©1999 Starlog Group

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Online Predator
Loiter T-Shirt

Design by Tom Burns -
Copyright ©2001-2009 Loiter

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Last modified 20th February 2011. Best viewed at a screen resolution 1024x768 or higher.
Questions? Check out Joker's Homepage and you might find answers. Comments? Email me!

This site is unofficial and non-profit, intended for film commentary only.
"Predator" and "Alien" films © 20th Century Fox, comics © Dark Horse. No trademark or copyright infringement intended.