Predator: The Hunted


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These are just some of the many sites around that are Predator-related, in no particular order.

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Alien & Predator links
Predator only links
Miscellaneous links


Alien & Predator links

Lots of info on Alien vs Predator games, comics, and the movie

Aliens vs. Predator 3 is dedicated to delivering the latest, most accurate news on both Alien and Predator

AvPGalaxy was a popular source for news on AvP back in 2004. Now it's back!

New and unique site by The Ultimate Predator, providing information on Alien/Predator/AvP cards

After years of collecting all types of Alien and Predator memorabilia, Xeno Zone is now selling figures, comics, books, statues and rare items

A blog for fans of Alien and Predator (Spanish)

Three species, one planet - Planet AvP

Unoficial Enciclopedy of Alien and Predator (Spanish) by Stygimolock

Another Joker site, but this time for Aliens!

A place for AvP maniacs

The Hunt - AvP Forum
The place for all avp fans

Alien/Predator Support Group
A site for fans to express their feelings, wishes and stories about Alien/Predator

Aliens Versus Predator Online Encyclopedia
This website has been around for quite a few years, this is its most recent incarnation

The Swedish Predator site

Alien e predator Italia
A forum about the fantastic world of alien and predator

The Swedish Avp Fan Site

Planeta Yautja
Database about preds and news related avpworld (spanish)

Aliens vs Predator
A new german Aliens vs Predator Fanpage with Infos, FlashChat, Games, Database, Clanforums and so on...

Aliens vs Predator: Forever Hunt
Rakai'Thwei presents an Alien vs Predator roleplaying chatroom. The Weyland Yutani corperation has set up a colony on a jungle planet. Aliens are now loose and Predators are on the hunt.

Aliens vs Predator/General Chat
Based on Alien vs Predator/General Chat and rpg's. There are Clans to join, etc

Alien's Hive - the Hive
Larissa's brand new Alien Message board with all the goods and hoping for some joining members!

Aliens, Predators, and Marines
This is Journal entry for aliens, predators, and marines - and the site is not just for fans, but for people who have no idea about them

Patrick's Alien vs. Predator2
Welcome to the fansite

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Predator links

Good looking page with input from fans - art and fiction

The Ultimate Predator - Want some Candy?

European Predator's Colony
First French and European forum on the Predator (registration required)

Predator Zone
A kick ass site for everything about yautja [predator] - Predator
German movie site, with news and info

Clan Yautja69 {Y69}
The Clan Yautja69 is rising again!

The Yautja RPG
An online forum based RPG, where players can role play the rise (or fall, we allow badbloods) of their charachter.

The Hunters Lair
Very interesting study in Yautja biological theories etc.

Savage Yautja
Site is still under construction but some sections are already up. Waiting for new members to join forums once they are up.

The Yautja Homeworld
A new up-and-coming page by Yeyinde - stay tuned

The Yautja Hunting Lair
A well-presented page with plenty of information

Elder Predator's site
This site is dedicated to the one of the most well known and respected alien races of all time, the Yautja, most commonly known as the Predator

Predator fan Posse
Created by K994 - This is for the true, dedicated believer in not just the Predator movies, but the race in itself

The Ascension Rites
This story chronicles the rise of one of the great hunting clans in the history of yuatja culture. From its humble beginnings to its honorable end each and every one of its members have proven themselves worthy of their saga being told, or died with honor and courage at the hands of its prey. Will you be one among those sacred hunters - or will you simply be the prey?

Predator Hideout
Has movie info, images, merchandise, fan characters and more

The Angels clan
El clan de Predator en chileee

Elaine's predator page
A must for all yautja followers

Eyes of the Hunter
A nice collection of data, with some unique images

The Yautja Encyclopedia
Possibly the most detailed in-depth Yautja page there is

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Miscellaneous links

Put simply, some of the best Predator and Aliens models I've ever seen

Predator, Alien and Star Wars sculptures made from new and used car parts

Very active forum for Predator mask, suit and costume construction

Iron Fiction
Metal sculptures constructed from recycled vehicle parts

Predmaniac's Predator Fan Site
A UK Predator Fan site based around costuming in honour of the mighty Yautja

The Hunter's costume forum
The Big Gunns costuming site, The Hunter's Forum, will help you make a decision on the type of suit that's right for you

Predator Stuff
Predator Costumes, Models, Kits and Collectibles

Monty's Miniguns
Everything you ever wanted to know about Ol' Painless and family

Jack Crain Knives
The maker of Billy's hunting knife, and many other movie blades

Tachi Lab 'Optical Camoflage'
A company creating the most authentic Predator camoflauge system so far

Yumi Modal
Clever artistic life-size Movie Memorabilia metal models

'Predator Vision' tutorial
How to use Photoshop to create a Predator's viewpoint

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Link Swapping

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Last modified 20th February 2011. Best viewed at a screen resolution 1024x768 or higher.
Questions? Check out Joker's Homepage and you might find answers. Comments? Email me!

This site is unofficial and non-profit, intended for film commentary only.
"Predator" and "Alien" films © 20th Century Fox, comics © Dark Horse. No trademark or copyright infringement intended.