Predator: The Hunted


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The Homeworld

There really is no concise details regarding where the Yautja species originated, or even if a Predator Homeworld actually exists. The following information is pure speculation, based on commonly accepted information.

The Planet (location, geography, flora and fauna)
Technology (origins of technology, spacecraft)
Civilisation (social rank, world order, government)


The Planet

The exact origins of the Yautja species are not known, but are believed to originate somewhere outside the boundries of the human universe. There has been no recorded findings of a Yautja home planet, so the theory stands that the race is purely nomadic - travelling from system to system, seeking the greatest hunting grounds. However, it is safe to assume that the species must have originated from a planet at some point in their past, so this is the basis for the speculation of a Yautja homeworld.

Yautja seem to be capable of breathing oxygen - but since their physiology relies on breathing apparatus and/or supplements, it's been accepted that they need a similar atmosphere to Earth but with a mixture of other gases including methane and nitrogen. This would suggest that their home planet is comprised of jungle, swamps and marshes - with a great amount of plant-life and rotting vegetation, producing these gases. It is also such a planet that would sustain multitudes of animal life, which may or may not have prompted the Yautja to pursue what is now their reason for being - the hunt.

On the subject of the Yautja's visual senses, it's probable that the planet is either quite distant from any Sun, or the light produced from their Sun is very different to that of Earth. This would explain the first Predator's vision once he had removed his helmet - it showed his vision as either a form of infra-red, or something evolved from another kind of visual spectrum. It is also possible that their planet rotates at a slower speed, leaving them in darkness for long periods of time - the Yautja may be primarily a nocturnal species.

A slow planet rotation could result from a planet with a great mass, creating dense gravity, which would explain the Yautja's super-human strength and qualities present on a planet with a lower gravitational field. Their agility also suggests that the homeworld would have contained mountains, rocky outcrops and similar structures which would force the evolution of the creature to adapt and to, and navigate across, such difficult areas. And as previously mentioned, the planet was most likely a jungle planet, so there would be a number of forests and great trees which would have also helped the Yautja's ability to scale objects.

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As with the Homeworld theory itself, there is much speculation as to how, and when, the Yautja obtained their knowledge and technology. We can only make guesses as to its origins, however the main points are as follows.

The generally accecpted theory is, since the Yautja are still basically primal and tribal creatures, they must be relatively new to technology - perhaps their homeworld was visited by a technologically-advanced race who had their ship(s) and technologies promptly taken, and this technology was subsequently engineered to suit the Yautja way of life. It's a similar scene to that of a Native American tribe with nothing to use but bow and arrows, then suddenly obtaining a case of rifles. Their old hunting values and ways of life don't change, just their methods.

Another view is that the Yautja already operated an advanced and connected civilisation, but due to Great Wars or escalating Clan fighting, it collapsed - and drove them back to their basic tribal ways. Or perhaps the Yautja race had already been in the midst of a global tribal war for aeons, with all Clans fighting for world supremacy. In this case, if the technology had not been advanced already, each Clan would have had to quickly engineer new methods of attack and defense - thus building on the idea that the Yautja are extremely intelligent and technologically-minded naturally.

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It's difficult to collect concise information regarding how the Yautja society works, but it is speculated that a class (or caste) hierarchy exists - therefore treatment of an individual is determined by their social position. And another factor is, if individual strength (both physical and mental) decides each Yautja's social rank, any disputes or disagreements would be decided by fighting. These fights may be the equivalent of a bar-room brawl, or something more of a public spectacle. Quite often the victory would come at the expense of the loser's life, but would prove the victor to be righteous in his claims.

At the top of the Yautja chain-of-command (if a civilised society exists) would be something akin to a Yautja Government, or more precisely a form of Senate comprising of Clan leaders. These leaders would be the Elders of each Clan, backed up by the Clan's great hunters ahead of less-experienced hunters. General meetings of Government would take place from time to time, and it is here that new laws would be set, technology exchanged, news and warnings relayed, and of course hunting accomplishments and bragging.

Government would establish important rules, namely the Honor Codes - not hunting unarmed prey, sparing or ignoring the frail and young, prohibited the use of the cloaking device while hunting, and so on. These rules would come with severe punishments if broken, so these rules would far overshadow the rules for each Clan - although each Elder would set the rules, laws and punishments for their individual Clan.

But there are different views. In the possibility that the Yautja are not as civilised to this point of operating a Government, perhaps in a final act of deperation to save them all from wars and total oblivion, the great Clans were forced to settle their differences with sporting challenges - like the Olympics - but of course, their sport is The Hunt. The winning Clan would either hold the power of this semi-civilised society, or rule by dictatorship.

Another view is that since females rule over their territory and generally run affairs, the Yautja may have a matriarchal society. The common belief is that Yautja females are stronger and hold more stature in the community than males, and even outnumber them. A female clan would be made of many generations of daughters, mothers, and grandmothers - therefore it would be easy to presume that such a civilisation would be led by a single matriarch... a Yautja Queen.

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Related Pages / Information

Yautja - Discover the life-form that originated from this planet
Weapons - Find out about what weapons and tools these Hunters use
Spacecraft - Explains how the Yautja travel, and how they create hunting grounds
Movies - If you haven't seen the movies, you should see where Predators originated


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Last modified 20th February 2011. Best viewed at a screen resolution 1024x768 or higher.
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"Predator" and "Alien" films © 20th Century Fox, comics © Dark Horse. No trademark or copyright infringement intended.