Hi, firstable your website is great, i whish you have more predators pics in high resolution, like the trophy chamber in P2. i don't get something, if the predator hunt's in hot places why they are in the antartica in AVP?. thaks again!
Hi Juanjo... I wondered that too, but apparently it's all part of the Young Blood ritual - the cold would make the Hunt extra-difficult and certainly prove the new warrior's worthiness.
ae...sou Brasileiro,e sou um grande fa do Predador..com certeza e melhor!Adorei seu site..o melhor de todo de predador que ja vi!I love your site . THE BEST!
Yeah, go ahead and update Alien Host if you can, the kind of data you have on them deserves an update. Can I add Alien Host to my links?
Email: mytthorick@aol.com
nice site but one question where did the yatja come from, I know its called that but I don't remember where it was said. A little help?
marco aurˇlio
Email: marconazgul@yahoo.com.br
sorry, em again . I need thank you for create this wonderful site, man,i just love, it is the best...But i have a question . In the first and second movie of the Predator, of that class are they?I mean, Unblooded, Blooded, Young Blooded ... and forgive my f...k english ..u.u'... de que tipo sćo?ficaria mais laro...para mim...
Marco: I don't think anyone really knows what class they were, but... I think the first Predator was a Warrior - he was a skilled solo hunter and fought honourably. And the second Predator I think was a Young Blood - just learning the ways of the Hunt - with older members of his clan in the ship checking his progress.
hi...i am brasilian to, my friend marco pass me this site, and i think this site it is the best of predator, i justa love! You are the best Joker...And i want to do a question . Do you understand the last part of Predator 2, when the predator leader give a gun of Rafael for Harringan, what's mean that?I don't understand, if you know, please, tell me...thank you...
Adriano: Glad you like the site! In Predator 2, the Predator Leader gives Harrigan the old pistol as a trophy, or reward... they respect him for being able to kill one of their Clan. The date on the pistol (1715) means that either that Clan has been on Earth since pirate days, or Predators often come to Earth to hunt. The new AvP movie might explain more. Hope that helps! :)
Good site...well done...let me do a question..who you hope wins..Alien or Predator???And..how old are you man?thanks...^^'...hehehehe...i am curious...it's just you are Australian, and me to...just one thing...you brazlians...'...Predator in Brazil?
Email: jamesmca@hotmail.com
Superb site, so much cool info. Im a seriously annoyed at the low classification of avp, i guess the money men have spoken and theyve toned it down to allow a larger audience to view it, personally I think they should have stayed true to the previous films of each genre. I mean how can you have both these species in the same film and not make it an 18(uk classification, equivalent of an american R rating i think)
B.A.M: I think somehow that the Predators will win. I hope so, anyway. And my age? Well you could look at my personal website (link above), but the short answer is, I've just hit 30. Still a teenager at heart tho. :)
James: Thanks for the praise, mate. And yeah, I'm not sure about the rating... I read somewhere that the lack of human blood helped lower the rating (should be plenty of alien blood tho) so maybe the violence won't be too censored. I'm slightly worried about the quality of the movie altogether, hoping they won't spoil the character and feel of the Yautja. Hopefully, even at its worst, it will be a good action flick. Fingers crossed!
First of all, to find out exactly why it 'has been' rated PG-13 head over to www.avpgalaxy.com, it'll explain everything there, you just have to look through the posts. Couldn't copy and paste what was mentioned 'cause I was told the owner doesn't enjoy people doing that, without his concent that is. Secondly, well, I pretty much know exactlly what will happen and so do some other viewers. All who have read the book will know. Though, not alot of people like the book because they thought it was a rip off from AvP: Prey (the first AvP book). I can't tell you who wins being it is a spoiler, but if you want to know right now, read the book AVP (Alien vs. Predator) Novelization. The book should go along with the movies plotline anyways. And Joker, understand what Marco says when this person is not speaking english? lol I think I'm going to need translator now. He came over to my site, signed the guestbook and I can barely understand what he typed.
Marco Aurˇlio
Email: marconazgul@yahoo.com.br - Web: http://maylavasconcelos.blog.uol.com.br/
hei man..just becouse we live in Brasil it does not want to say, we are monkeys..u.u..here it does not only have slum quarter as all say . Of course we have The Predator here man!My all familly is fan...Not easy to find sites brasileiros like this...but...please han?I am building my page,just wait and see...not easy for a boy of 16 years old...I create one Gamr of RPG only of Predator...it delayed..but..sonn inmy site..¬¬..my age does not cvorrespond with The Predator han?I know..Let's talk...M ICQ:200613843... it forgives for tormenting Joker... I will let my blog BAM..u.u...sees...bye..dedicate for RPG...
You have a great site here. You have compiled all that I have seen on a number of sites into one pretty package. Keep up the great work. I will always make sure to mention your site when the topic comes up.
Hi, does anyone here know how te predators wrist blades work? DO they use springs or motors or what? THe problem with springs is that how can it be easily retracted??
Blackdawn: Thanks for that info. I haven't read AvP: Prey, but the comics were quite well made, with a good plot. I always thought that Dark Horse would play some part in an AvP movie - if the movie follows the same sorta storyline, it might be good after all.
Clintonball: Interesting question, one that I can only guess. Popular belief is that all electrical items on a Yautja's person (plasma cannon, camoflauge suit, wrist computer etc) are powered by a mainframe battery in their backpack... so I'd say the wristblade ejection system is motorised. How they'd actually work is a mystery - the way Yautja machinery is built is all guesswork. Similar to human technology tho, I'd assume. Hope that helps some!
Email: allsaintsclan@yahoo.com - Web: hosclan04.tripod.com
Hey Joker! I must admit, this is an awesome site. I have one quick question to ask you tough. You see I have a website dedicated to the Alien vs. Predator 2 computer game. I was just wondering if I could use the Predator laguage .zip file on it. I already copied and pasted it on, but if you don't want it to be on my site, I will take it off for you. Thanks, Joe p.s. please e-mail me back your answer
Hey Joe, thanks bud. I didn't actually MAKE the font (credits for that go to Jim Sorenson - nice one mate) but I had a quick look at your site, and I'm pretty happy with my link you put there. Thanx :)
Email: petrozza@wp.pl
Hello. Yor site is awsome :D Oh I've got a interesting link of a polish site abot predator. Good stuff. link: www.the-predator.prv.pl
lol I have been looking everywhere for that font translation, found it once years ago and never thought I would see it again. This site has everything!
Excellent website! I love the new layout! Keep it up!
Marco Aurˇlio
^^....i speak Portuguese...but Spanish to...just one thing...in AvP movie, in which number they will be the predators that will face the Aliens?Thanks...
Thrasher: Thanx for ur comments, also for that link... looks good, shame bout the lack of english tho :( Blackdawn: Well I dunno if the site has 'everything', but that's what I've aimed for! :) YHL Editor: Cheers, glad you like! Marco: Buenos dias senor! :) Well I haven't tried to find out TOO much about the AvP movie (I don't want to see any spoilers) but I've heard about five teenage Predators. Maybe more! Aaron: You mean a Roswell spacecraft pilot... and a wolf, or lion? :)
Email: mda309@iabama.net
u should put predator skins to download for avp1 and avp2
Email: vultureking@softhome.net
Love the site.....and especially love how you look at the predators in a realistic and scientific sort of way very cool keep up the good work.
You should put avp capcom images or images for the games sections to be coooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo.
w00t! love your site man, great info you have :). Keep up the hard work :D
I absoulutilly love ur site, me tinks Arnie should have just died! thus leaving our prechise predator to go and live a great 300 years back at home.
RaVageR - Web: www.avp-eternal.tk
nice site, keep it up, also i expected to see AVP galaxy on the Links page...nope, i didnt, but The site design and information is 1 of the best pred sites i have ever seen!
You mentioned that if we were to have a suggestion as to an addition to your download page to send, I believe that it would be interesting if skins for media players and the like were created. Just a thought.
the king of fogs
wat would be a good start for a book about predator?. Because im writig a book.PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! ur site is the best ive seen and ive seen a hell of a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!.oh by the way where did u get the launguidge translations from? Ben P if ur reading this than hy man its me @lec W I HOPE PREDATOR WINS THE FIGHT
Smash, Ravager, Chad: Thanks friends. Rikimaru, Reaver: Good suggestions! If I manage to get some more webspace, they'll definately be considered for the downloads section. King of fogs: Thanks for your enthusiasm :) Blackdawn: That's weird. I'll email it, but what was the problem - what sort of error were you getting?
king of the fog
Email: maddog408@hotmail.com
king of the fogs
Email: maddog408@hotmail.com
who likes Alien? who likes Predator?
king of the fogs
Email: maddog408@hotmail.com
hey is it my computer or does sites sound not work?
king of the fogs
Email: maddog408@hotmail.com
hey joker where did u get all the information from?like dude i cant even find anything from the movies
Email: Blackdawn_70631@yahoo.com
I click the link, it goes to the next page then just sits. Nothing's on the bottom bar (from what I remember there wasn't) but at the top right corner of my Windows was showing it was moving. I clicked the other Predator script and it went straight to it but I've had that one for awhile, need to post it on my site sometime soon. That Predator 3 script would be a nice addition to my site (I'll mention where it was found).
King of fogs: I got the information from everywhere and anywhere. Many years of searching the net etc, basically. Oh, and an idea for the start of your story: 'A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...' ;) Blackdawn: I spose u tried 'Save link as...'? I have no idea why it wouldn't work, but if you still have probs I'll email it. Just let me know!
Email: Blackdawn_70631@yahoo.com
Yeah, it still does the same. The Adobe loads (that quick little second) but that's it, it just sits there. May be my computer. Could you please e-mail me the script, I'de really appreciate it? And to King of Frogs for the story, you don't have to start on the first chapter if you're having problems with it, start on any paragraph/page that comes into your head and work it from there.
tyler hinton
Email: triproller4@aol.com
this site blows my mind ... not in a bad way, i didnt even know half the stuff in your site keep it com n
Email: Blackdawn_70631@yahoo.com
I'm sorry to have said Frogs, King of Fog. I think of frogs whenever I see your name and guess I typed it down without even noticing it, sorry. I agree Tyler. I'm a Predator fan and knew quite a bit of info on them, but was blown away by the info held here. It is quite a marvelous site.
Tyler, Dawn: Thanks friends, I'm glad more people than just me are interested in all my acquired Predator stuff! :)
Email: goatmayor@hotmail.com
Hey, great recolection you have here. Very accurate info indeed. There are a few things: 1st The 'self destruction device' it is belived to be built in the whole armor of the Predator and it works a s a circuit. Thats why in Predator 2 there was no explosion after the Predator lost its arm (Cut one part of the circuit the whole thing stops working) 2nd you are missing a lot of books, I recomend looking in Amazon, they have a chronological list there. 3rd The Predator are suposed to be divided into 'clans' and each clan has different code of ethics. In one of the books the Predators are cruel and merciless, killing anything that moves yet they are not bad bloods, they just belive that if there is a creature as weak as (humans) in their way that creature doesnt deserve to live, terefore they dispose of it (NOTE: they dont hunt unarmed humans, they just kill the ones in their way. 4th the life span thing, In the 2nd movie at the end when the Predator gives up the gun as a sign of respect for a worthy oponent we see the date which is in fact relates to the 19th Century. Keeping in mind the high ranking possition of the Predator and the fact that he has that gun we can assume he is much older (He must have been old enough when he got the gun and we know it was him the one to et it because Predators would not carry trophys thatthey did not win by themselves. So im guessing they live longer than 300 years. The thing about them staying with their mother for so long intriges me, I would like to know where you got that from. It would seem more likely that they started on their tranning very early in life (since the ritual they must complety is very difficult). I congratulate you, it is a very interesting site please feel free to e-mail me to correct any of these things (In case Im wrong or if you got a good source)
german torre
Email: betorre@spymac.com
a lot of thanks for the greatest creature ever seen bio, in this day i will see the movie wich is better than the last ones thank you and i'll help you finding new material
i liked the first movie i hope to see another good movie in the futor
yuatja and MARCO i have a bone to pick with u..... Wat the hell are u smoking?. i come to a great site like this and screwballs like u apear and start speaking ur wierd languige! Porky signing off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!p.s the king of the fogs is a great fellow!!!!!!!!
Email: marconazgul@yahoo.com.br
yep...what i sad about ''sorry'' porky...u.u'...the great advantage of saying to Portuguese and that I can say ''bad words'' it without you exactly to know what I speak... I am playing... and please, if somebody sab eo final of Alien X Predator in will count for my mail, why it goes here to delay to leave and I am dying of curiosity...
Email: PREDX@hotmail.com
this site is the best i have seen about the predator,i have seen that its changd sins the last time ive bin here . keep it on
baby-d (todd)
Email: weeduckling@aol.com
gr8 site luv the predators best films in the world. i think i have seen a predator 1 night i woke up to go to the toliot and i saw something out me window so i looked and saw a huge monster thing running across me garden
Email: JimboGivesLovexx@aol.com - Web: http://members.iinet.net.au/~jaherne/thehunted/feedback/index.php
Cracking website, The best predator website about in my eyes. True fan of the film franchise.
ShadowStalker: Great feedback, thanks! I'm looking at implmenting some of your comments, and researching the other points you brought up. Regarding the young Preds... well, information there is very scarce. I've tried to get a general understanding from the many different sources, but it's hard to find accurate info. A lot of information on the Net is guesswork, and most of it is incorrectly stated as fact. I still try to use the movies as the final word... and maybe if the new franchise is successful we'll see more Pred movies!
Torre, Jason, Baby-D, James: Many thanks people. It's your ecouraging comments that make all this 'Pauk-de' hard work worthwhile. :)
Email: weeduckling@aol.com
thanx joker member the predator i told u abt wel it ran across my garden and jumped abt 10 foot into the air over my fence into the building site and kept running and jumped behind a tree and i didnt c it again
Email: weeduckling@aol.com
i have heard if A.V.P (alien vs predator) goes well that there are goin to realse a Predator 3 which shud have schwarzengger Glover in it. I wouldn't have a clue about aliens i have watched them but riply dies so it cant b her and bishop (i call him milky) and nuet died so who will it be joker do you hav any ideas????
zack knol
Email: zoo_zoo66@hotmail.com
this is a awesome pred web siteand i the links that helped me found more website some i seen b4 and some r new to but this is a awesome from a true pred fan ps. weapons page need a little work
Email: Wubano82@yahoo.com
This is a great site ... been digging the predator since I seen Predator 1 and for all those how are real fans which I am the comics they have contain all the real information on them the movie was a success in my eyes ... thats the way it is with thoses two AVP .. I have a clothing line that I've designed for the predator hoping to get the pics on here ... Great site my friend
Email: spikey112000@netscape.net
great site since its so hard to find sites with so much info. jus one weapon id like to see is the sherikan star type weapon from AvP the movie Thanx and great site
Email: weeduckling@aol.com
jordon i live in the uk whatnew weapon is this as avp is not in the uk till october 8thit looks gr8. i heard the bad parts to it are you dont see gory parts like blood or heads,arms being cut off cause it is a pg-13 in uk it is called 12a
Email: tha_madhatter@hotmail.com
in predator when arnold and his boys are being caried out to there drop point in the chopers. what is the name of the song playin in the bacground. the song is also playin when that cowboy guy spits on that other mans boot
Email: weeduckling@aol.com
madhatter u must mine blaine (painless) i dont no the tune but it is a catchy 1 like joker will no it must likely
BabyD: I reckon if they decide to make Pred3, they'll use a completely new story. It'll depend on how well AvP goes, of course. Zack, Jordan: It looks like after AvP, the weapons page (and others) are gonna need a lot of updating, don't worry! Wubano: Cheers mate, let me know when you're ready to showcase your line :) Madhatter: The song is by Little Richard, and it's called Long Tall Sally. It appeared on one version of the bootleg soundtrack album. I like the part in the movie, just after Mac loses it and chases the Pred (with Dillon behind), Mac tries to sing it - 'Long tall sally, she's built sweet... got everything that uncle john needs... gonna have me some fun... gonna have me some fun...'
Email: idiotboy71189@earthlink.net
Trus me.. AVP rocked so hard, the weapons dont really need to be upgraded, they basically used the same things, but Yautja armor can be burned by a Xenomorphs acid, and the helm. isnt as strong as youd think, but thanks to this site and a few others, my family has no idea what im taking about when I speak Yautja at the dinner table, its great, but thank you for your site and everything..but onto further news, AVP shows lots of blood and gore and all three young Yautja die nonetheless but they destroy the queen Xenomorph (no easy feat)! But yes I doubt that they will make a pred3 only because none of the stars ill return and its not the same, besides, what else have they got to dish out? nothings new anymore, AVP rocked it.. well im out keep speakin people
Email: idiotboy71189@earthlink.net
Ooh, and again, to someones answer, the shuriken star thing is on the page i think, if not its on a nother good site, its activated by squeezing the peices togeher and it activates, it has a gyro inside so it always returns to its user, and click it again to close it
Email: idiotboy71189@earthlink.net
one last thing, the Yautja language script wont work :( I cant get it to load correctly, any way you can help?
Stefan Rachev
Email: stefanrachev@yahoo.com
AvP is the best movie ever. But Predator 1 is still CLASSIC. I'm looking forward for 12 of October, so i can watch it on cinema
Rev. Linus: Well, of all the Yautja questions I've been asked, that one never has been. A fine question it is too, and of that part of the anatomy I can only guess. But I would assume that they DO have a tongue, as they can speak and eat. Although... maybe the sense of taste is located elsewhere in the mouth - and the formation of their language may not require a tongue to pronounce. So, no definate answer... but I'd presume there are indeed Yautja tongues.
The actor who did end up playing the Predator was Kevin Peter Hall, the same tall guy who played Harry, in Harry and the Hendersons. He also had previously portrayed an alien on safari for human quarry in the low-budgeted 'Without Warning' (1980). Kevin actually appears at the end of Predator, after the self-destruction and the helicopter comes to view - he is the black man who says 'what the...?'. Sadly, Kevin Peter Hall passed away in 1988 from an AIDS related illness. Rest in peace, Kev....
Dude, Kevin Peter Hall passed away in 1991. Otherwise we would not have seen him as the predator in Predator 2.
Sar'en'de: Well spotted... thanx for that. And a very valid point you make too. :)
Email: reiko_26@pacific.net.ph
I think you forgot something about their weapons (yautja) remember from Predator 2 when Danny glover shot the predator and hitting the shoulder cannon. The alien used some sort plasma gun but came from his wrist that went through the armor. Any ideas...
Email: cheesyfeet2003@aol.com
In predator 2,the predator has his mask/helmet taken,yet he still sees in heat vision,in pred 1,he takes it off and sees in a new red vision,how can this be?
Email: cheesyfeet2003@aol.com
In pred 2, when the predator has his helmet/mask taken,he occasionally uses a smaller mask to keep breathing,in pred 1,the predator takes off his mask yet breathes perfectly,HOW?
Email: bitesizebit@yahoo.com
how in the hell did you get a picture of the yautja launch shuttle
I really love your website. It's helped me to understand the world of Predator (or as I can refer to it now, the Yautja). I'm trying to write something fanfiction wise and your site's the only one I found that knows enough to back me up. Way to go. I love it a lot! ~Kitty
Email: JMan2550@att.net
Wonderful site, the best (and near only) Predator fansite out there. A definite bookmark!
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
JUANJO has a good point the frozen wasteland of the antartica cant exactly be the best hunting ground not thait ive seen th film yet i live in england so it dosent come out untill the 20th of october big boo but noone tell me what happens
Alex: Thanks, I'd forgotten all about that weapon. When launched, it actually looks like a rocket (and it could be) but I reckon it's a bolt of plasma - like the Shoulder Cannon generates. As you saw, when the bolt hit Harrigan's vest it just burned - didn't explode. I've updated the Weapons page accordingly. Cheers!
Cheesyfeet: I'll let LYuanh explain that one... it's covered in the Movie Trivia section. 'Predator's vision changed in the first film because the 'high-tech' mask filtered most of the infrared waves, creating a clearer view. In other words, Predators see infrared emitted by warm surroundings, such as the tropical rainforest. The vision without the mask didn't change much in the second film because he was in a meat storage house - being kept cool and emitting little infrared, his vision didn't change much with or without the mask.' And as for the breather: I assume that he needed the emergency breather in the second movie due to the toxic nature of the city pollution. Yautja need a nitrogen/methane mix to breathe, and some of this must have occurred naturally in the jungle, which is why the first Yauja didn't need the mask. I don't know if he could have survived for too long without it at all, tho. Hope this info helps!
Ian: While we know the small dropship-shuttles exist, it's not exactly known how they look. This one, I think, was featured in a Dark Horse comic, and I believe they'd look very similar to this. Kitty: Thank you very much! Glad you like. Drop me a msg once you have the story and I'll make a link. Maybe I need a fanfic/fanpic section! Jeremy: Thank you too. Just remember to keep those ideas and comments coming! J20: Yeah, I wondered about that in the Cold War comic, but they didn't land in Antarctica to hunt that time... they crash landed. And in the new movie - well, an icy-cold climate would be the best (and hardest) test for a young Yautja!
This site is amazing!!!Well I may have not created a soo good site about predators,but this is just AMAZING the men(or women) that created this website should be proud! -Yautja PS I LEARNED A LOT MORE THAN I KNEW BEFORE
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
you should so do a fan pic/fik secton it would be grait to see other peoples opinyons and thoughts on the species
This site is Awsome, i am the biggest Predator Fan and this site has every bit of information anyone could want!, i also agree with J20 get a fan/flick section going - look forward to seeing more great stuff on the Yuatja
Email: JMan2550@att.net - Web: s3.invisionfree.com/Halo_Forums/index.php
Hey joker, if you are gonna make a message board, a word of advice: Make your fanbase huge. I'm not saying it's small, but, after advertising on sites like 3Dactionplanet, Planet AVP, gamewinners.com, and non gaming sites about predator, the second the message boards open, hundreds of people will pour in. And if you need any help with making some forums, pop me an e-mail. I've made several forums before, and have pretty much mastered it. Check the website I provided to see an example of m work. (yea, it's a dead forum. But that's my fault. I didn't draw up a large fanbase, which lead to a very small amount of members)
Email: Ares232@hotmail.com
Under spacecraft you say they can't cloak, thats not true; they can. Read teh Aliens VS Predator book and it states it.
Jerry: Cheers... I don't actually have that novel, and I can't remember where I saw that they can't cloak. I'll take your word for it, until I hear otherwise :)
Email: Ares232@hotmail.com
To quote the book: 'I don't see anything,' Leighton shouted over the wind. 'It should be right on top of us-' 'Look!' one of the sailors cried, pointing. There WAS something in the sky approaching the Piper Maru (the boat). The phenomenon appeared at a high speed blur, cutting through the low-hanging clouds and leaving a transparent rippling wake in its path. As the crew watched, awestruck, the optical distortion seemed to increase in speed.
Jerry: Aha, solid proof :) Thanks for that... it's hard to know what's the best source of info to use at times. I try to use the movies for reference, as they're the real deal, but lots of other info comes from the comics and novels. Should one source be considered more 'genuine' than another? It'd be good to hear ppl's opinions!
Email: neocron_bny@yahoo.de
Hey, this is the best Predator Site ever. Im a big fan of the Predator movies and i have decided to buy some comics because this site inspired me. thx alot
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
I havent read any of the comics for the one reason that they dont sell theem very commenly in britan everyone say awwwwwww but if you know any sites that i could read them on or even better if you could email them to me that would be fab. as bNy says this is an enspiring site.
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
wow ive just read the posserboul script for predator 3 in the downloads secton and you guys really oughta check it out it rocks! if they dont make it into a movie some time soon i may just have to kill myself.
Email: Micbuene@hotmail.com
thank you for a great predator site....For some reason I love these creatures and finding a site with all this cool information was great ....did not know they had all this 'Culture' hehe...anyway thanks...ps I thougt alien vs predator was great....only 2 things I didnt like...too much human too little AVP!!!! and those two first predators died too easy...I know they were teenagers but.....
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
enspired by the skript that i have recently read i have started writing a fanfik if Joker decides to put a fan fik /pik secton on his site ime sure that thair are many others that have pieces that they could contribute mutch better than mine.
J.R.: Cheers mate :) bNy: That's great, glad you were inspired! I'd start with Concrete Jungle if you can... as far as I'm concerned, THAT should have been the script for Predator 2! J2O: Go with Amazon, some of them might allow you to read inside, or maybe you can just buy them! ;) And the fan section... well... trying to get some server space, we'll see! Buene: Glad u like the site. Me, I'm debating whether to see the film, or wait for the Director's Cut version...
Email: KiranPayne@hotmail.com
Sum1 Send ME An E-mail, Its Amazing what u and ur team have done joker. thats mexico sighting thingn is freaky tho.have u got any other kl stuff
Put some weapons from the AVP movie, like the cool Shuriken used by Scar! Or the huge new blades. PS nice site. :)
Email: manwiththehook2020@hotmail.com
Hey it think your web site is prety cool. i havent seen a predator page that give the predator juctice and yours comes the closet. cya
Marco: Good to see you again :) Also good to see that the movie isn't so bad. Maybe AvP2 will be better! Scythe: New weapons? Done. Cheers :) David: Thanks mate, just remember that input from you (and others) helps make the site what it is :) Baby-D: Well, I can't please everyone. You gotta admit tho, like them or hate them, Aliens are a vital part of Predator culture now... what do you other Pred fans think of my Alien Host?
Email: radzilla@bellsouth.net
Quick question, are you absoluetly sure that the 'dreadlocks' are actually hair? They seemed more like flesh right off the head. I dunno, try to answer! Great site!
Email: radzilla@bellsouth.net
Quick question, are you absoluetly sure that the 'dreadlocks' are actually hair? They seemed more like flesh right off the head. I dunno, try to answer! Great site!
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
while not as full of information as other sites concerning the yautja, this is defintely one of the nicest to look at. the layout is fantastic and it is very well organized. plus that thing about the real-life predator in Mexico or wherever was just plain awesome. p.s. predaphiles? hahaha. oh yeah, add some pictures in the images section.
Jester: Well, no, I'm not really sure. Probably why I've got it written in quotes - 'hair', coz I doubt if we'll ever know for sure. I guess being a humanoid creature we just assume it's hair, but yeah, it could even be skin or something. Interesting point! Hamster: Thanks bud. It might lack information, but that's due to trying to only include info that's deemed to be 'accurate'. I try to stick to the movies for verification, and not use TOO much comic info (except the language)... but my info is constantly improved and refined at least. And for the pics... I'd love to add more, but I can't quite afford more server space yet. Maybe I need to set up a PayPal donations account... ;)
Email: semorfergal@hotmail.com
If you don't mind I'd like to see you put in some pictures of the Celtic predator. Granted he may have died early but his helmet still had a unique look to it.
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
if anyone here has seen AvP (which, if you're signing the guestbook on a yautja site, is almost gauranteed) is it just me or is the predator armor featured in the movie a little...well...advanced and ceremonial looking. while the yautja in Predator 1 and 2 are wearing that mesh netting, a bio-helmet, some shin guards, and shoulder cannon, the other yautja have full body armor and it looks like it mine even look like that of and elder. anywho that just seems a little odd to me. and what's up with that one yautja and the ninja throwing star. lol.
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
oh and one more thing about the AvP yautja, why were they equipped with cloaking when they were going to fight a few xenomorphs, who isn't affected by the predator camo?
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
oh and one more thing about the AvP yautja, why were they equipped with cloaking when they were going to fight a few xenomorphs, who isn't affected by the predator camo?
i liked the shuriken! it was pointy! the movie was good, but i can't wait for the avp director's cut!!! hehehehe o and about the cloak... the preds knew that humans would be there, because they needed humans to be incubated... so the preds need to hide from the humans with the cloak.
Email: dragon_ojiazul_3@hotmail.com
qui siera que me manden fotos ami msn
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
the humans would be dead by the time the yautja arrived, and besides, those yautja were unblooded, therefore they wouldn't even have the cloaking technology.
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
when does AvP come out on video?
Richard Vaughan
Email: ravaughan@optonline.net
Awesome page, kick ass, Good work, I've been looking for the Yautja language for a while. Awesome!!!
Email: Bottermanbolo@aol.com
hi i was woundering and ive been looking and trying to find if predators or atleast famous ones have names? do u know?
Matthew: I'd love to add more photos, etc. I'm currenty bargaining with my ISP for more server space to really bulk up the site with pics and stuff, we'll see how it goes. HaMsTer: Good questions about AvP... hope someone here like Yeyinde can help you tho, I still haven't seen the movie... :( Richard: Cheers mate, spread the word! Chris: They sure do have names... well, in the Dark Horse Comics they do. For example, the famous 'Dachande' (Broken Tusk). It might be cool to put together a Comics character page for the different comic Yautja... we'll see!
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
who's Yeyinde? you still haven't seen it!? poor bastard. is it just me or did that one yautja (the one who the alien tounge/head thingy through its head...he sooo should have won that fight) have a kickass bio-helmet or what? did a yautja EVER win a fight in the movie? i hate to say this...but all those yautja got p'owned.
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
if the yautja only like tropical or hot areas...why did AvP take place in Antartica? lmao.
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
umm... you know that little thing called scrolling down the page? that's how you would find out that i am yeyinde!!!! and... yes! i think that celtic predator should have won the fight. he already smashed the alien against five billion walls. the alien would have been a pancake after that... it's that idiot paul anderson... he has a thing for aliens!!! damn...
Email: Thank-you for setting up this site. It has filled me in on the details I've missed regarding the Predator.
Email: kane_837@hotmail.com
aliens are crap!!!!! if it weren't for those stupid humans the predators would have their shoulder guns and would have f*#ked the aliens up!!!! it was a good movie but the predator with the good mask (most likely their clan leader) should have won that fight!!!!! there had better be a second movie where predator just destroys the gay aliens once and for all!!!!
Email: kane_837@hotmail.com
plus bring out a predator game that has more jungles in it!!!!
Email: kane_837@hotmail.com
aliens are officially crap, it is not possible that one alien kill two predators!!!!!!! whoever wrote the dialogue for the movie should be fired or pit into prision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanx
Email: goffredo.dalessandro@fastwebnet.it
Hi, I'm from Rome and I've done a short movie inspired to predator, if you are interested please send me an e-mail and I'll give you the file, Bye...
Stacey: No worries, glad to fill you in about the Yautja! Kane: Enuff with the spoilers! :P But seriously, the Aliens are pretty tough opponents... just one of 'em wiped out Ripley's crew in Alien 1, then they wiped out an elite Marine team in Alliens... but yeah, they're should be no match for a seasoned Yautja Warrior, I reckon. Edorado: Sure, gimme some details and I'll be happy to check it out! Yeyinde: I haven't done any real advertising of the Forum/Board yet, I'm seeing who drops in. We'll see who the real Yautja fans are... ;)
Email: dylan_14_7@hotmail.com
i wish that they would make an AVP game where you could do like combos with combi sticks and grapple with aliens and throw them and stuff like the movie! and by the way i love aliens! they are the perfect organism, i just find preds more BAD ASS! oh yah and as for the alien killing two preds for one thing the director favors aliens, two, the aliens didnt have plasma castors and three, they were teens and had no experience fighting xenos. its a well known fact that a very good warrior can take on a queen!
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
...blasphemy! bleeding acid and having a little head inside your mouth does not mean you're the perfect organism. just because some android with a xenomorph fetish says they are...doesn't mean they are. and you guys are right, celtic predator (how the hell did he get that name?) did beat the living crap outta that one alien...till he got his face smashed in. and i think we all know that a seasoned yautja could totally p'own a queen alien and would tear any ol' drone to shreds in a few seconds.
i'm with HaMsTer Of dEaTh. the aliens in aliens die quicker than an ant after it's squished, but they can kill predators? uh uh. don't think so. if anderson did the movie in a real-life strength test. the preds would have won 2 minutes into the movie.
TRUE!!!!!!!The fu..ing take a simple shot anda they just fu...ing die!Now this alien crap, simply run away from de yautja net??!!!!!!¬¬' AAAAFF
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
how smart is an alien? i can't imagine it being very smart. and what, besides claws and a acidic blood, do the aliens have as weapons? a pointy tail? and by the way thank you very much for updating the weapons section to include the weapons from AvP. i think its one of the only predator sites out there that has updated.
aliens are very smart. in aliens, the aliens learned how to operate the power systems in the colony. and anderson was very unfair to the predators but half of it is in the storyline, for one thing people were complaining that the preds didnt look agile enough, did you even see how much armor and weapons they had? the reason for that was that they wanted to be ready for anything bye loading themselves up with armor. when preds get more experienced they dont wear as much armor and dont need big sword atachments on thier wrist blades.see? and yes preds can take on many aliens at once! and ill say again, they were teenage preds and that was their first time ever fighting aliens! and they were actually supposed to use thier plasma castors to kill off most of them!
Wow, it's alien-bashing time!! ;) Well, I don't claim to be an expert on aliens, but I did do another site about them... the link is in the WEB link above. Kinda like this site but for Aliens. This is a good discussion tho... we should continue it on THE HUNTED MESSAGEBOARD! The link to it is at the top of the page, and I'm going to update the menus too at some stage, to include it. Hope it won't mean changing all my page coding, but we'll see. :)
HaMsTer Of dEaTh
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
yeah, that's pretty much the one big complaint it have with AvP, the predators got jipped. just a couple of unblooded yautja with bulky armor (lotta good it did 'em) gettin their faces smash in. the only yautja who could hold his own against and alien was the one who didn't get a spiked tail rammed through his chest in the first half hour. am i the only one who noticed that that one yautja's really really long wrist blade stayed cloaked even when it was extended (in Predator 1 when the yautja went to gut Dillon the blades became visible)
Hey i was just wondering if any of you people new if there is going to be an avp 2 movie.
Maddy: dunno. i hope so by the way that they ended it. if you go to my site(http://www.yautja.bravehost.com) i have a fictional script for avp 2 in the works. im still workin on it, but if you want to know what happens next and you cannot wait, email me at jmlubeskie@austin.rr.com.
yah, there will be no avp 2 movie,sorry. it turns out that fox only agreed to make avp to reintroduce aliens and preds to a new audence, it was never intended to be a new movie series only to 'test the waters' to see if it would be profitable to make an alien 5 and predator 3 and it turns out it will be! critics didnt like it but it brout in alot of cash! as for the wristblades staying cloaked the young preds problaby had a more advanced cloaking or wrist blade system that allowed them to stay cloaked.
Email: Madlynch491@msn.com.au
im not saying any of you guys are wrong, but this guy at my school seems to think that there is going to be an avp2. Anyway why would avp have the alien come out of the predators body in the end if theres not gonna be an avp2
Email: Madlynch491@msn.com.au
i was wondering if any of you's know if they have actually bought out to the stores a mask that the predators wear on their heads, that you can buy.
Maddy: i agree. they should make an avp 2. i mean, they introduced the predalien at the end! they CAN'T leave it like that!!!!!!! and about the mask. that would be awesome if you could get a predator mask at a store, but i haven't seen any. if you are desperate, go to ebay! it solves all of your problems!
YES! there is a mask at ebay right from avp! go here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=19255&item=5520693764&rd=1 to see it.
My friend Chanel was wondering if you seriously believe that predators are actually real.
Hi, my name is ian and i really wanna be a predator! i really want them to make a predator 3! im totally obsessed with the predator movies! raaaaaaaaaaa
ey, i was just wondering if there are female predators, if there are do they, you know, get it on?
Email: marconazgul@yahoo.com.br
someone has the photo, of as the second predator to die in AVP,using his claws? E if has, please, pass me by mail...
as in the celtic predator with the weird mask? yeah. i do. i'll send it to you.
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
maddy do you think they are real if you do thats grait ime sure many would agre myself included ill visit yeyinde's site too and by the way yeyinde nice name
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
and when the yaujta read do they read left to right or what
J2O: i think they read right to left. and thanks. i like my name to. it has no relation to Yeyinde (dachande) of the avp comics though... by the way in my script on my website, the Yeyinde on there is based off of the AVP comics.
for wether preds read up or down, my good theroy is that preds read two ways, up to down or left to right im very sure.
where are you joker??? lol auhauahuahauhuahauhauahuahaua
Whoa, turn my back for a couple days and I get feedback flood. :) Welcome newcomers, glad to have you aboard the Man'daca! Maddy/Chanel: As cool as it would be if they were real, I don't think I'll ever meet one. Apart from Yeyinde. ;) Obie: Male and female Yautja definately get it on. And quite aggressively, from what I've heard. Ian: I hope for a Pred3 too. Won't be the same without Arnie (or the rest of the commando team - and I didn't enjoy Pred2 as much as the orig) but who knows, there's a whole new Pred fanbase for a new movie now! J20: I don't know if Yautja read up or down, but I'm pretty sure they read from right to left... that's how the wrist console works, anyway... Bakuub: Didja miss me? ;)
Ok, upon studies of pictures and watching Predator 2 over and over and over again, I've come to a conclusion. The 'Predlocks' are NOT hair. At least it seems that way. The hair looks sort of like the head of an Alien, shiny, glossy and metallic. Not sure still, but it seems this way.
Email: dylan_14_7@hotmail.com
i recently found out what their 'dredlocks' are, they are in fact hair, the thing is is that when they become warriors they have to endure an extreamly painful rite of passage in which thier thick smooth hair is mashed and matted into dreds! and if they even as much as flinch in the pain, or shed a tear they have to start all over again! and no im not makin this up
HaMsTer Of dEatH
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
if anyone has any pictures of the yautja, please send them to me (e-mail...on the...e-mail thingy...yeah) please please please! and if it is at all possible, include pictures of the celtic predator from AvP. thanx a bunch.
J20; I WISH they real, but i won't believe in them until i see actual proof or see one myself!
hey ppl, we were wondering if predators would kill an unarmed man, coz we heard that they don't kill women coz they're a waste of time, haha that means you's would all die, coz you's are guys! jokes.
This is like the 50th time we've send this mesage, coz it won't f***ing go thru to the msg board, so don't think we're crazy if u read it like 3 timz. now, would a predator kill an unarmed man?
maddy/chanel: a yautja would kill an unarmed man if they were either a bad blood or if the man tried to attack or hurt the pred in any way. hamster of death: i'll send some pics!
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
Maddy: you wont see the eyes of the demon until he come calling
a pred only kills things that he thinks can defend themselves. or if he needs to kill you to get to his prey. or if you get in the way of the hunt. so if you looked weak enough you might survive! or if they dont care or are an outcast or 'bad blood' he would kill you on the spot!
Maddy/Chanel: As these guys said, there's times where a Pred would kill an unarmed man, and times when they won't. Depends on the Pred, really. Have u read the 'Yautja' section? It gives some examples there and explains the code of honor. And I dunno what was up with this feedback section earlier... *pauk-de* server... hope it's okay now tho!
maddy: apparently they are. celtic was extremely agressive, which is another reason why he sould've killed that grid alien!!!! >:(
Ronn Max
Email: ronnmax@yahoo.com - Web: www.geocities.com/ronnmax
Kewl Page! Very impressive. I was wondering. Do you intend to add the ARM BLADE weapons from AVP to your weapons list? The solid, no retracting 'wristblade looking', but larger blades from AVP. The appear to be made of the same allow as the shuriken, and other acid resistant ritual weapons. GREAT JOB, keep up the good work!
Ronn: Thanx for ur praise! And yup, I expect the site will need updating once I've seen AvP - it's only JUST started showing here (how slack) - but when I've seen it I'll add weapons, probably new Yautja details, etc. Stay tuned! Blackdawn: Good to see u again :) That's great news, glad to hear it... shame I got blamed for 'pimping' the site (wasn't me, I swear), but thanx for standing up for me! ;)
Blackdawn: are you the one who wrote Da'tou's Story? i like the start of the new chapter... can't wait for another! ian: we eat meat... judging from predator 2 you can figure that out... but i dont eat a particular meat. i eat whatever i can find. don't ask me about the others! im a loner! obie: no... i don't think so... i'm not, and my ancestors and decendants are not, and ive never met a gay yautja before so... i don't think so...
Email: Blackdawn_70631@yahoo.com
Yeyinde: Yep, Da'tou's Story is mine. Keep checking from time to time, which ever site you read it on (have it on four sites), and part two will hopefully be up shortly. My boss will be going on vacation next week, then afterwards will spend an extra day at work, am busy on the RP (Gladiators Moon) at AGN (www.absolutegamerz.com - part of gamestory), and am trying to finish up on another story there. So I'm pretty much booked for a good few weeks. Joker: No prob, you deserve it. This is a great site.
Email: Blackdawn_70631@yahoo.com
Obie: I've read on some sites that can happen if a male has trouble with finding a mate (forces himself on the other) and have read a story somewhere on the net of a male human and predator. Want the link? Joker: Is it alright if I plug that link here? It's rated like R/NC-17 and am not sure what you would think of a graphic male on male story link here.
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
gay well ive never come across one erm no but then again if they were gay then i wouldent of met them would i lol
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
gay well ive never come across one erm no but then again if they were gay then i wouldent of met them would i lol
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
gay well ive never come across one erm no but then again if they were gay then i wouldent of met them would i lol
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
gay well ive never come across one erm no but then again if they were gay then i wouldent of met them would i lol
Guan Lou-dte: you like to repeat things don't you? anyway. i thought of a cool name for anyone who wants to join either my forum, or joker's forum... Guan Kalei (night maker) cool, huh?
Yeah if its R rated i'm there! lol
Wouldn't it be good if they made an avp 2 with Sigourney Weaver and Arnie as the stars?
When you become a member, put in your email address and make it hidden. Joker are you the only person who can see the email address?
Obie: Yeah, like they said :) I'm not even going to try to speculate about Pred sexuality, but I guess they're similar to humans? Maddy/Chanel: That would be cool, yeah :) Shame they're so old now... Ian: I'm still learning the forum stuff really, but yeah, I think only I can see it. And don't worry, I won't spam!
Joker... can i copy the spaccraft to my web site?????
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
I wassent repeating it diddent work! so i clicked it 3 times neeeeeeeerr!
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
I wassent repeating it diddent work! so i clicked it 3 times neeeeeeeerr!
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
it did it again! waaaaaa i dident click it twice that time eather !
Marco: Well i SUPPOSE so... as long as you give a big thank-you to Joker on there, or a link to my site, or both ;) Guan Lou-dte: *sigh* What will we do with you? I won't let you use the Feedback section if you keep flooding it! :P
joker: let's rip apart her dreads, then redo them and watch her cry!!! hahahaha!!! *cough* ok... let's not *cough*
Email: ssj_vegitto17@hotmail.com
heyz, nice website u got there i mean really! it may sound a bit odd but i first watched predator at the age of 5 or so and being 14 nowz i still love predator! it sure took me along time to find this webbie. but other then that u guys have done a real awsome job creating this website! ive learnt so much bout him nowz. g2g nowz cyaz!
hey..heheheh..me again..joker..one more thing..can i link the alien host to my web site to?? Web site very soon.... and thanks for all...really...Yeyinde to..really thanks!
Blaze: Thanx mate, good to see another devoted fan, and an early starter! Glad you like the site :) Marco: Of course you can link... just go to the Links section of Alien Host and follow the instructions! ;) Happy to help. Yeyinde: Well she deserves punishment, but you can do it... I'm not messing with an upset Lou-dte Kalei! :)
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
grrrr just try ill take you all on and i take pride in my dreds rip them And ill rip YOU! *pant pant sigh* yea ime sad now and ime confuzzled are thair any FEMALES out there cause i need a hug and the males are being mean but its ok ill spread some nasty rumors abbout them on the mothership thale never father suckerlings again hehehe
HaMsTer Of dEatH
Email: ninja_james1138@hotmail.com
yeah no crap cetanu
hey r any of you's from america, if so. I have an american friend and she said that one of her relatives said that there already making a AVP 2
Hey look r u guys and girls really serious about this whole predator thing. I mean come on you don't really think your real predators. Do you?
hey im new to this site its tops joker, but just a few tips for all you blokes out there, if you've got a girlfriend get a predator helmet and put it on. i tell ya chicks dig it
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
you know ive got this guy obies adress what you say to joker yeyinde and i putting our diffences aside and hunting him down?
yeah! and guan lou-dte check your email! im sending you a message!
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
well i havent got it yet try again or send me a privat msg on the forum ;) a message i feel honoured!
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
well i havent got it yet try again or send me a privat msg on the forum ;) a message i feel honoured!
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
dont say anything!
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
dont say anything!
Email: marconazgul@yahoo.com.br
you are really are strange Guan Lou-dte... lol lol lol
lee tingay
Email: leeting1@llandod-hs.powys.sch.uk - Web: http://llandod-hs.powys.sch.uk
this is a good site but i have been on better. the good thing about this website is that you have predator language and there abc it would be better if you had more things on it
Daniel Hunter
Email: danhunt1@llandod-hs.sch.powys.uk
This site is a class site it is the best site I have ever been on I want to help spread this site, and could you add more stuff on your sie so it will be more intresting not that it is not interesting. will there be more films and more sites so I can explore the alien and predator world so please. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luke brooks
Email: lukbroo1@llandod-hs.powys.sch.uk
your site is a jip ot over predator site and is it is a jip
Daniel Hunter
Email: danhunt1@llandod-hs.sch.powys.uk
hmmmm...i would say something to luke but i have absolutly no idea what he is saying...something about this site being a jip....but past that: I got nothin'. Ah well, at least this proves that there is no intelligent life out there....
*Scratches her head at the picture of the yautja female.* Okay, now I've seen strange pictures of yautja in their armor, and other things. But that one takes the cake. I mean, did I see heels? Your info on the yautja females is great joker.
baby duck
joker if u have seen alien vs predator do u believe there were gods years ago and we did worship them
Pred man
Geat stuff but you need new thigs!!! Im watting!!!
Dachande #2
Pritty impresive cant wate for some new things on Yautja weapons
Email: patters@webone.com.au
your site RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mos Defe(Fatal)
Email: angel_wolf_star@yahoo.com
This site rocks My Socks.. And That Me Mos Defe is givening you a Giant Anubis Predator Howl, GREAT WORK^^
I found this website very interesting. I found it to be very useful for my own hobbies dealing with the sci-fi predator. Now I know what the predator is actually called and I now know a little of the way they live. Great job on the site. 5 stars.
Email: souleruption@yahoo.com
I love the PREDATOR MUCH !!!!!!! thank its helpfull for me to know more about my fav Hunter
Dachande #2
I think you should have a page on Predator/Yautja like there name and there things that thay did espeshaly Dachande from that AVP book!!!!!
Tom Harrison
Email: seeds_dripping55@hotmail.com
This Site is the Best. Great Info and Great Pics & History. Just Excellent!!!
I thought Predator: Concrete Jungle was only for X-Box...If your information on this site is correct and there's also a PC version of it then I'm gonna be very happy.
Dachande #2
Hey wats up. Im going to give you a big tip on Yautja weapons the blaser wich is a beam sword and the jetpack the good thing is that im not lying!!! I dont have pictures but you can find the Blazer in AVP exyinction. But your going to haff to find the jetpack on your own. 'happy hunting'
Awesome job. Best Predator site i've seen yet. Keep it up dude.
Email: xmjkx@hotmail.com
This site is amazing, well done! Theres so much detail...sheer class. Awesome
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wanadoo.co.uk
well dont just stand there join the forum!
Email: wesleygabriel@msn.com
When IS The Game Concrete Gonna Come Out
Yoda 666
Email: Yoda666@op.pl
The Best site about PREDATORS Congratulations !!!!
Email: ultimate112@hotmail.com
verry cool site for the fans ceep up the good work!!!!!!!!! greetzz ultimate
can u help me find any videoclips from the predator movie please thank you
Serenity painted death
Email: mgnugent98@stpatrickskeady.co.uk
Just a mistake from predator 1, when Jessie Ventura gets nailed from behind by the plasma caster when then get a behind view of him falling to his knees, his back should have caved inwards yet it has not destroyed either his back or his backpack
Email: hey do you know the release date for predator concrete jungle in Australia, cause im not sure if your release date is right cause other sites say that April or March is the release date etc.
can you put on your picture page a picture of a elder predator helmet, thanks.
hey you have an ace site and i love the predator's wrist blades they rock and you do to
Hey joker whats tech scan for one of the visions predator has?
Nok Amedha
Email: firedemon1216@aol.com
This is a fantastic site. Very well detailed about everything one would want to know about a Yautja. I only have one question though, I've asked all around and so far, no one's been able to tell me. Does anyone know how to pronounce the word 'Yautja'? Is it 'yawt-ja', 'ya-oot-ja', something else, what?
Email: branon13@epals.com
This site is rockin man.Keep up the good work because more predator fans should know about this site.
this is a great site wonderfully constructed keep up the good work it is appreciated
Email: kickasspredator@yahoo.com
This is a really cool website keep up the good work and remember predators kick ass.
Dachande #2
Does any one know Ware I can get Predator Deam cards???
bne kritzman
Email: benzilla@greatlakes.net
Predator is awesome. I love the movies. I need you to tell me when the third predator movie is coming out.
Omar Garcia Perez
Email: predator_6@hotmail.com
Did you know that there is another weapon caled ''Katana''. Is like the ceremonial dagger
I really enjoy predator! I was wondering if you could send me a predator-poster? Here is my addres:8520 W.pappago st Tolleson AZ 85353
Guan Lou-dte
Email: ann@dulat.wannadoo.co.uk
caleb you shouldent give out your address to strangers
Ernie King
Email: Supermanclrk1@aol.com
I'm in need of a 'Predator' soundtrack bootleg or whatever. trade or pay. email me ASAP 12/23/04
Karl Bisset
Email: karlbisset1@hotmail.com
Hey, I love this site!!!! I have always known quite a lot about the PREDATOR, but now I know even more! Thx a lot. But I think that, if you had the time, you could make a PROPER internet RPG for all the predator fans, it should be wordbased, and have skills, weapon upgrades and stuff. That would be sooooo cool. Cheers
Dachande #2
Its been a wile sins my last entry but I was hopen that you could give me a few pointers on maken a good or OK web. Dachande#2 loging off.
hey. im a little confused. i was in the city this 'horizontally challenged' guy came up to me and hugged me and goes 'Im from the buituinee tribe' and then and went to hug sumone else. and...ahem he was wearing a predator helmet. is there such thing as a fat horny predator???
what the!
well he did. it was probably just some doped out guy. humph but he did hug me and he smelled funny.
thats funny riot (guninea pig noise) riot
i think guinia pigs squeak riot
kevin pred
Email: mkevin94m@hotmail.fr
hello,iam french and i very like predator you have a good site, you a website listen of site of predator please =++
Email: krellmacg4@yahoo.com
Very cool Predator website. I'm a huge fan and have recently got the Master Replica of the Spear from the Predator 2 movie. I will defintely be checking back here from time to time to see what's new and updated.
You may find it interesting to check some information dedicated to loans loans ... Thanks!!!
Dachande - Web: www.alienlovespredator.com
In the words of Stewie Griffon: I'm going to kill you *eyes narrow* (This is not literal whether you even read/care about this and take it literally is your own damn fault)
Email: espn2k4@aol.com
hey man.... i was wanting to know how do you download to play the original predator game with the music and all? I am having troubles help me out thanks!
Anon (Click-Clack in yauta)
You must have been really bored...
Email: Bluecatdaddyo@yahoo.com
Hey, I used to live around people who do what these beings do. They call them selves palo mayombe or magic stick, also santaria. This is where they get their religion from . They have the ability to not be seen just like the beings here. They also have bacterias that cause you to go through changes,that make you stronger, smarter, and a whole bunch of other things. It's because belive it or not they have been in contact with these beings and many others. The old native american stories talk of the space brothers. The alien vs. predator tells one of the legends that is true. I have my own calendar that tells the story.
Hay im a big fan of this site so why not come see mine and sign my geust book
Timothy Viick
Email: anotherrichvick@yahoo.com
i tried to register with your site but it keeps saying i made an error something with illegal characters...i tried upper and lowercase letters and spaces and underscores...nothing seemed to work....a little help please...by the way i love your site keep up the quality work man
Email: rdavis15@stny.rr.com
What is the name on the antique gun in the Predator II Movie?? I don't think there is any significance just one of those 'I got to know' things.
Email: lbboy15@aol.com
I love the yautja i think they are the best. Best web-site
Email: Ryo7@zoominternet.net
Greetings friend. I wanted to commend you on a find Yautja page. It is the best and most details I've seen since the Yautja Encyclopedia. I regret to inform you that the Yautja Encyclopedia has been shut down be Geoshitties, those sobs decided it wasn't getting enough bandwidth or might infringe on copyright law or something or other...at any rate, I would like to offer you 100% free hosting for your site once I get my personal server on a T1 connection up and running...are you interested? I love Predators, and they are some of the freakiest and scariest incarnations of the sci fi/horror genre. That is why I am offering this fantastic site a home on my server, as well as any sites you may want to have hosted as well. Please get back to me. Ryo
Tiago Magalhćes
Email: Delta805@hotmail.com
I Looooove this page!Great work!!!I think that any Predator fan(i am one since I was 8 years old, and very proudly) will be amazed by the stuff in here.Keep it going for people like me who like nagging friends and family with incessant predator growl imitations.
Dachande #2
So Joker do you think that there going to make a AVP2 ?
Dachande #2
Luke Brooks is a ****. Hay luke whears the force now. Ha Ha.
Pred Spawn #2
hi i am the brother of Dachande #2 he told me to chek this out. I loved it but I wish that you could update the IMAGES gallery.
Email: yautja100@yahoo.com
Your website is really cool and I thank you for making this website for all the Predator fans keep up the good work and happy hunting.
Email: scaper15@hotmail.com
Love the site, great information and fantastic layout. I decided to read some of the books you listed, and enjoyed them thouroughly.. Except.. There were a few.. major problems concerning Hunter's Planet and War. Have you read them? What did you think of the discrepancy between the two authors? Again, thanks for all the work you've put in!
feed me
'Predator: Concrete Jungle' coming out April, 12 2005 woot! For X-Box, PC, AND PS2. Don't let anyone tell you different. Peace out.
To all folks who gave thanks and encouragement here: Thank you all! Sorry I've not appeared much on the Feedback section lately, but I'll be around! Feed Me: Cheers for the Concrete Jungle info, looking forward to what seems like a great game. Snappdragonfly: Sadly I've never read ANY of the novels, altho I'd like to - maybe I should try to get hold of them. But one thing I did learn tho, is that AvP: War book takes place BEFORE AvP: Hunter's Planet - it fills in the time when Noguchi was with the Predators, before she rejoined human society - picking up a year after AvP: Prey, and two years before AvP: Hunter's Planet. Does that help at all, or is AvP: War just a messed-up book? Pred Spawn: I update the Images as often as I can, but there's not a huge amount of room left on my server. We'll see. Dach#2: AvP2? Hard to say. But from the sounds of things, Fox made a good profit on AvP, so probably, yeah. Ryo: Thanks very much for the offer, and maybe The Hunted has grown too big for its own box - I'll keep your offer in mind and let you know! B (rdavis): The flintlock pistol from Predator 2 was inscribed 'Raphael Adolini 1715', and was a trophy taken by a Yautja who hunted a band of pirates in 1718 - according to a Dark Horse Comics story named '1718' which featured in Decade of Dark Horse #1 of 4, and the TPB. Timothy: Sometimes it takes a little while for the Forum passwords to come thru - hopefully it's come through by now!
Joker, I must congratulate you on creating such a wonderful website. It has everything a fan needs keep up the awsome work. :D
ElaineCarol Scott
Email: Elaine_341@hotmail.com - Web: http://predator.aesthetix.org.uk
Love the site dude you have done well on it id love to see more ani gifs from the avp arcade game please one of the warrior fireing his plasma caster please thanks and again great sitew love it.
Jay Worley
Email: jay_worley@hotmail.com
Hi Joker, a friend and i have an interest in weapons and i have been looking for some info on the weapons carried by 'dutch' and his team in the first predator movie, specifically the assault rifle carried by 'billy' the tracker (mainly because it has an absurd under-slung shotgun attachment. if you or any other fans have this knowledge to share it would be a great help. cheers
Dachande #2
Joker did you ever read any books by: Steve or stefany Pery? I think their books are pritty good. Also as a persinal question, are you an EAGLES fan? Well I am.
Dachande #2
Jay Worley I think Duch had an M16.
Email: ekmoncada99@yahoo.com
thank you put in the time and hard work, this is the perfect web site for the predator!
Dachande #2
In AVP: Prey there's a Pred named Dachande witch I named my screen name, any way are there any Books/ comics that have him in them? If so please tell me. Your fan Dachande #2.
Analyn Draven Nightshade
Just so you know I'm not a member to any of these types of sites but love both the Yutja and Alien creatures. Kind of an obsession. He's mentioned in the other books with Machiko Noguchi aka Dad'toudi. So far as comics i dont know. That book AVP: Prey and the first Predator movie definately made me fall in love with these big guys. Quick question to anyone out there are there any other females who are into this stuff or what? Just curious.
This is the finest predator site I have found bar none!
Dachande #2
I have an answer to Analyn Draven Nightshade. Of corse there are females into this stuff! Alot of my friends are. Anyways the Predator that your Talking about is Dachande witch is what The other Yautja call him. From D
Dachande #2
This mite be my last entry on Predator the Hunted do to arm injures. .D.
Predator Princess Prezilla
'...Sinussa on roimaa, alkumiehen voimaa. Kanna minut metsään Apinamies...!'
Email: cfist24@msn.com - Web: www.clenchfist.net
you should put the predator vision sound effect like what you have on your intro page.
Email: morfeas333@yahoo.gr
In the movies section, trivias for Predator 2. It wasn't the speargun that got stolen, but the disk. I found it 2-3 monts ago when I was surfing the net. It was a report with stolen stuff from movies.
Email: coandca377@yahoo.com
theres this short film by sandy collora called batman dead end. it's got aliens and predators in it so i guess you guys might like. check it out http://theforce.net/fanfilms/nonsw/batman_deadend/index.asp
Pred Spawn
I want to know if F.A.Q./INFO is new? Ither its new or I need glasses. Dach#2 says hi and is still waching this site.
Best site I've ever been to. I'm obsessed with Predator. I'm not weird, I just really like the movies and books. Girl fans? Never seen one. If there is one...will you marry me? Joker, you're a genius!!! My hat goes off to you! It's cool, cause there are so many fans like me. Never seen many.
Anayln Draven Nightshade
You're tough outta luck there boy. Im obsessed with the Yautja too AND i'm a girl but i'm taken. Guess your quest is never ending. heh.
Anayln Draven Nightshade
Oh yeah i know thats not his true given name. Truely his name is Yeyinde i love the names in the books they suit the warriors well. I didnt totaly doubt there not being girls that are into this stuff. Just seems so hard to find them. Any of you girls gotta weakness for the Predators i know i do. Mmmm- i love long hair (now) heheheh.
mark g.
Email: bobafett123@aol.com
i love your site. will u have any info from the movie ALIEN VS. PREDATOR?
joker i added a domain name www.yautja.tk cos i coudlnt find the real one as i got this site from google sorry but im knid of doing you a favour lol + this site rules!!!!
Christian Sanders
Email: Palmfreak@sandersglobal.org
Hey When put the 'Predator Font' in my fonts folder Then l go to appleworks to write in that font what will it be named 'PredatorLET' or 'Predatorlanguage' Or what P.S. Incase you don't know l use OSX
Manuel Martin Reyes
Email: Sulaco@gmx.at
Hello! Give one single ship by The avp, either to see when landing on snow? Thanks! TOP SITE
Dachande #2
Hey Im back! and I have somthing for you to think about. in the movie AVP Celtic soposidly dies but it never shows him died. I know that he proble died but isnt it possible? P.S Happy for you doing this I mean this web site and all. D logging off.
Peter Riley
Email: peter.riley@2020london.co.uk - Web: www.2020london.co.uk
Love your predator stuff. We're doing a computer game and would love to see more of your graphics and maybe collaborate. We're on a tight deadline and designing now so get in touch
Dachande #2
Joker who is your favorite Pred? Also in AVP there are three Preds for the seramoneal Blooding one Scar another Celtic but I have no idea who the third is! I know that its not Elder because he is at the ending and the third one dies. D
Email: stabmeagainx1@yahoo.com
Thanks for the site and tribute to the greatest monster of all time (or so I think so). Please keep up the good work.
Email: stabmeagainx1@yahoo.com
ooops, not really a monster, awww hell, you know what I mean...lol
Bob Schreib Jr.
Email: rgschreib@comcast.net
Something that was never made clear in either the comics or movies about the Predators is that Predators are NOT inventors! Apparently, a high-tech space ship crash-landed on their world long ago, and with their nearly-eidetic memory evolved from tracking through endless jungle, they learned how to use and create technology whenever they encounter it in other cultures, to add to their own, but they lack the soul of an inventor; they are too overidingly dedecated to being hunters or carnivores. Apparently, the female predators are the ones who upkeep their technological infra-structures. Initially in their history, the Predators would have utilized their found ultra-technology to battle with their own tribes, but after it became immediately clear that doing so would end their entire world or destroy their ecology and entire race, they created the credit-system of killing other races on other planets to avoid completely destroying their own. Also, early in their life, Predators are apparently nearly like monkeys, tree-climbers, and their unique mouthparts, those extendible claws are apparently for fast-snatching some kind of moth native to their world quickly into their mouths. Later, when they get bigger, they become more terrestrial and hunt on the ground more often. But the point is, they are NOT inventors; they just have an nearly-edetic memory that enables them to duplicate technology that they find or steal from other races.
Email: kupper0307@aol.com
Hi, I was looking for some detailed pics of predators for a tattoo,and I cant seem to get 1 from the site (great site by the way)so if anyone could email me some nice frontal close-ups Id appreciate it, thanks... Dogthecoop
Email: mr_deeds200@hotmail.com - Web: i t rulse
Analyn Draven Nightshade
You would have to think (er they have to be i mean) that the Predators are inventors cause in AVP it says THEY taught US how to build.
Email: zach4virus@hotmail.com
send me some predator pics
Email: jtlynn@ku.edu
I was wondering if I could obtain the p1-run.wav file from you for a school presentation, I will cite your webiste for its use.
Email: ursweet666@hotmail.com
great job man, just the kinda info i was lookin for, do u have any information on Predator heirachys or ranking systems tho? thatd be pretty cool to know. once agen, great site! -Tomo-
wat planet did the predators come from
Dachande #2
I still have know idea who that DAM pred is I need some help on this one Joker. P.S Analyn Draven Night Shade first off Preds are not real not that Im saying that you bileve that. Preds thaut humanity to bild not the U.s. Once again D. loging off.
Hi as you might have guessed i am making a site about aliens and predators. my knowlage of predators is somewhat more limited than xenomorphs. so for my wepns and technology section i would like to use your site for a referance. i will make sure to credit your site at the footerif you have any prblems e-mail me.
THIS SITE ROX!!!!!man this site rocks!!! keep on updating! cant wait!!!
Email: hab27010@syd.odn.ne.jp
Who is Raphael Adolini?
Emad Gashgari
Email: themagickaito@hotmail.com
Hi, I am one of PREDATOR AND ALIEN fan. when I saw your website I was shocked. the site is very good no but exellent. I wish you a good luck in keeping it up-to-date. I have a few request from you, could you guide me to a site so I can download the books/comics, games and even images about ALIEN OR PREDATOR. And espacially the ALIEN VS. PREDATOR (Arcade) game I need it so much. One last thing thank you for the site and keep up the good work.
paul johnson
Email: greatjojoman@hotmail.com
i think that your obsession is as great as mine i really enjoy your site so keep up the awsome work!!! i take it you have seen the AvP movie so i was wondering did you feel as if the predators were made to seem like pussys intentionaly or by accident because in the novels even an a pred that hasnt had much battle expreience can win one on one with a xenomorph
Email: 666returns@fsmail.net
Hey dude, your site really rocks but, i can't right click so that i can save the images. They would be for my personal use and not for selling and printing off. If that is not acceptable email em to me of all the weapons and preds and aliens
Banging site m8, any chance of adding a link to my current site?
Kendra Michael
Email: BulmaCCorp@aol.com
I read through the 'Yautja' section of this web site. I was very pleased with what I read. I was wondering where you optained the image of the female predator. When reading the comic 'AvP: Deadliest of the Species' the female Hunter appeared not to have breasts. There were a few cover images that implied mammory glands of some sort but they weren't consistant with the images in the comic. Would you happen to have an opinion on the subject? Thanks. ^_^
Email: News4@work
Email: News4.com
I think PREDATOR is cool. (But ugly.)What women would date PREDATOR? I mean he's strong. But not that good looking. Mabey a girl PREDATOR would fall in love with him. If there is any i'm not sure. The first time I saw him I thought he was a girl! Those things look like braids! ALIEN SUCKS!
michael braaeboys
i think that if you have a comic book of eg:predator concrete jungle you should make a new section were you can read the comic books. i only think that beacause i cant find them on the internet. from michael
Email: Scar@PredatorTheHunted
I understand everything about Predator. I know how they do things around here. The Aliens are just a pack of aliens. They don't care about each other. When Aliens get trapped they they eat a member
Richard Sik
Email: ultimate_broly@hotmail.com
I was wondering how do the predators use the smart disc and how do they catch it.
ITA Pred
Nice work, Young Blood.
Email: Bjh_Rock@yahoo.com
How do you run or play the d64-Predator game things? thanks
Email: lpd@netcabo.pt
Joker your site rules, but i whant to take some images and i cant do it!! Please tell me how
Email: markcope05@aol.com
you have a great web site and some great images.can you please tell me if i can download them as screen savers or wall papers or even print them as i find it really hard to find artwork of the predator and would love to put some of the images into frames.hope i don't sound cheky for asking this but i am a big collector of predator and artwork is the 1 thing i can't get any where.thank you
Dachande #2
I see the new kick ass stuff in the Image gallery. Jerry AKA Predspawn thanks ya 4 it.
check out my site, it is almost as good as this one ;)
Email: gscgod@yahoo.com
is there ever any conventions for the predator? if so tell me! i wish to participate in them. (And wear my cosume lol)
Jo Jo grant
Email: JGRANT3@ec.rr.com - Web: www.predatorVSalien
Dear predator, Hi my name is JO JO I'm ten years old and I want to take your place when I get 21 years old.Please write me back at JGRANT3@ec.rr.com
Email: oscar_andrew2000@yahoo.com.au
Hi mate. I like you web. I like to have a good photo of the wrist blade of predator and how is does work but i did not find any where this imformation. could you help me please. oscar
Email: Troubled_fox@libero.it
i am an italian boy... your site is precisely what i was looking for...i always wondered of predator lifestyles... i'd like to take part of something like clans if it do exist (but i think that they exists) joker, answer me, i am a young unblooded, in search of a master........ by fox
Email: enva@ihug.co.nz
Hi I love your site, very good some of you guys say you want a site with images and comics, go to www.planetavp.com it also has literature written by fans. Cheers Joker
Email: enva@ihug.co.nz
Oh yeah i think the movie should be named PredatorVsAliens! preds all the way!!!
Okay last time just an idea... Next time you update the site why dont YOU make a fan literature section so people can send in avp or predator stories!!!
Email: stewart566@msn.com - Web: sorry dont have one
this is a superb website mate keep up the good work
Email: stewart566@msn.com
just played (and completed) Predator concrete jungle for xbox (and ps2) and its one awsome game any predator fan will love it
BJ Young
Email: paleoace13@yahoo.com
just to let u know that ur site ROCKS!!
Email: mightymightymongoose@hotmail.com
hey where did you get those AvP Arcade anim GIFs. that is my favorite arcade game.
Email: scarismypredator@hotmail.co.uk
Hi! I think pred is gr8! Me n my m8's go on hunts now! But where did you get all the info about the Yautja from? Please tell me coz i love preds! (seriously i think i am actually IN love with them!) cheers!
Jason Cloud
Email: grimreaperco@yahoo.com - Web: currently destroyed
This is the best website on the Yautja! Go Predator: The Hunted! Personaly, in the section where the 'I hope a Predator comes looking for a trophy with your face on it' gig, I liked it. They can go find the barrel of the Plamsacaster for all I care. I love this site and don't care if the updating is slow, but this is where I got all of my Predator information and continue to do so, so I have one thing to say. Keep it up!
Email: podgewall@yahoo.com
please PLEASE can i have that pic of the female pred. or at least tell where you got. it did you draw it
Daniel Nance
I think youre website is the bome.Were do you get those pitcturs call me at 7422693 by.
Email: southern_247@hotmail.com
Hey buddy,came upon your website whilst surfing 4 info regarding Predator 2.Your websites truely a labour of love & a true credit 2 you.Ok so without further ado my question is this...Do you know what the song is that can be heard playing in the backround of the car in Predator 2,Danny Glover climbs inside the Rasta's car & through clouds of smoke a heavy jamaican style song sweeps over the listner.For many years both me & my friend have often pondered over who the artist may be,so if you could offer any ideas they would be greatly appreciated. Either way Many thanks 4 an enjoyable website!
Email: southern_247@hotmail.com
OOoops meant to send my last msg by email lol,oh well everyone can read it now : )
Email: unison8421@aol.com
Hey I was wondering if I could use on of your paintings as my backround P.S. Predator kicks ass
chris cobb
Email: lord_sillypimp@yahoo.com
your website is very informative, don't stop adding info! don't listen to all those who oppose us, to understand the Yautja!
Joseph Bernard
Email: daranbartom@gmail.com - Web: sorry none
Karl Bisset
Email: karlbisset1@hotmail.com
Hey, after recently buying and finishing Predator Concrete Jungle, there are a number of weapons that arnt in yuor Pred weapons list...like the Glaive and the Maul.
Email: vlad662@hotmail.com
um i dont have a website i just want the pictures for private use as in just to look at.
Matt Dewansa
Email: Erowben9000@aol.com
hey you might think I'm crazy, but I belive in preditors. i'ts a long story, but I'll make it short. I sometimes have strange visions of me being adopted by what I think is a predator, it had the same fetures of one. One time one of my friends gave me a message of some shot to his gods,(he's like greek or something) well it was about 'what do I need to look for if i'll be adopted and possible be kind of rebord as a human/yautja' well it told me to to look for signs. Well A lot of signs has been meet like sometimes for like one second I shall one run across my yard, but one thing the reading told me was that we will meet face to face in like a conference well I think they aretransmitting what will happan in these visions so I'll know what will become of me when I chose what i don't want to do. Thank you for reading this
Matt Dewansa
Oh yeah plz e-mail me if you have any insight good or bad. opinions, facts, what ever
Alex VanMourik
This website is the best source of info and printouts of yautja. Keep up the good work.
thomas grannon Email: thomasgrannon@yahoo.co.uk
plz may i not download the font because i havent got zip so may i just copy it some how thank you bye reply here plz
Yoshi Email: Yoshi@YoshiLore.com
A&P suck! Rules of Feedback: Do not relate to Alien or Predator. Insult people. Have message sex with people. Goof off. spell words wrong. Be glad im letting you do this!!!!
*ahem* On that note... Well people, it's time for an updated feedback section - one that won't get spammed and flamed. Stay tuned!
Enjoy Predator: The Hunted? Want to see it keep expanding, with new info and downloads added more often? Then please consider a donation - no amount is too small. Your help will ensure the growth and survival of the site, and you'll enter the Donator Hall of Fame, forever known as a true Yautja follower. Thank you!!
Last modified 20th February 2011. Best viewed at a screen resolution 1024x768 or higher.
Questions? Check out Joker's
Homepage and you might find answers. Comments? Email